Chapter 11

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Camila closes her book and rolls over to the other side of the bed when she hears her phone buzzing. She smiles when she saw who it was. Lauren.

After the little talk at the girl's locker room everything went fine. It was a bit awkward for Camila, as usual but other than that it went by fine. Lauren surprisingly interacted with Camila even more than before which surprised the girl, thinking that the green eyed girl would ignore her.

[Lauren] Hey there Camzii!

[Camila] Hey Laurr, whatcha doin'? :)

[Lauren] Hm, nothing much..I'm bored

[Camila] is that why you texted me? :)

[Lauren] Nahhh..

[Camila] :(

[Lauren] *:) smile Camz. Its actually because I miss my girlfriend. ;)
I don't want her to frown, do I?

Camila blushes and hides her face with a pillow even though she was pretty sure nobody was looking at her. Or so she thought.

[Lauren] Don't hide your pretty face, love

[Camila] Are you spying on me?? o_o

[Lauren] Yeah and maybe with my binoculars too! ;D

Camila stood up from her bed to check, walking over to her window and looks out Lauren's house across the street and sees Lauren also in her window, looking at her while smiling and she was pretty sure she saw her wink at her. She didn't see any binoculars though.

[Camila] Liar, I don't see any binoculars!

[Lauren] opps, My bad. Stupid auto correct! I meant banana🍌

Camila furrowed her eyebrows and felt herself laugh when she sees Lauren waving a banana at her through the window and places it near her eyes as if she is using binoculars instead of a Banana

[Camila] Hmm...Binoculars is far from Banana

[Lauren] Maybe Auto Correct hates Bananas?! 😱

[Camila] *Gasp* !!!!

[Lauren] !!!!!!

[Camila] !!!!!!!!!

[Lauren] !!!!!!!!!!

[Camila] !?!?!?!

[Lauren] ?!?!?!?!?!!!

The rest of the conversation ended up, Lauren and Camila just playing around with exclamation and question marks but it still made them both smile. Lauren changed the subject after for a few minutes.

[Lauren] Please come here :(
I feel lonely

[Camila] Nahh..I'm lazy and I got other plans, sorry.

[Lauren] Meanie and what was those other plans? :(

[Camila] Sleep

[Lauren] :(

[Camila] Kidding! I would never choose you over sleep. I'd rather watch and talk to you all day.

That kinda sounded creepy but Camila didn't care right now and it was entirely true

[Lauren] 😩

[Camila] What's wrong Lolo? :(

[Lauren] You aren't here yet! 😭

[Camila] Don't cry boo.

[Lauren] I wouldn't if you were here right now! :'(

[Camila] Well then Open the door, Silly!

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