Chapter 3

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A/N: I'm not good with clothing description (I actually skip those parts when I read sometimes haha) So I am so sorry!

Are you gay? Luke suddenly asks and Lauren froze on her spot for about 2 minutes trying to process what he had just said.

Lauren looks at him, shocked at his sudden assumption. It didn't necessarily mean that she didn't want to go out with him, she was already gay. Not that there was something wrong about it, it's just, she wasn't gay. Or was that the only reason that made him ask? She wasn't so sure.

heck, after meeting the brown eyed girl, she started having these thoughts that made her doubt her own self. Though, she wasn't telling anyone about it. She didn't know what was to come if she will.

"What? Don't be ridiculous, Luke." Lauren finally uttered, running her hand through her hair as she glared at the guy. Camila stayed put on her position, somewhat also shock and glanced between the pair. What was she suppose to do?

"That's not an answer." Luke matter of factly says, still pissed and continued when Lauren didn't say a thing. "So you are?" He scoffs and laughs bitterly, shaking his head as if he was disappointed. "No wonder,"

"What makes you think that?" Lauren exclaims and this time it's Luke who was quiet. "What? Cat got your tongue now?" Lauren says, pissed.

"It doesn't mean that a girl who is not attracted to you is a lesbian. For once Luke, please lessen your Large ego and Pride. It's getting irritating and rude, Don't you ever think that it would end up hurting other people?"

"Oh. so now I'm irritating and rude?" Luke angrily asks, gritting his teeth. What was up with him? This wasn't the Luke Lauren knew, did she? But What if this was the real Luke and she was just blinded by his charm or rather, she was just oblivious to her surroundings.

"I said no such thing." Lauren simply answers.

"You just said that my cockiness and Pride is irritating!" Luke exclaims, throwing his hands up in frustration as he tried to explain what Lauren have just said a few minutes ago. Lauren thought he was being immature for his age, can't he just accept rejection?

"Exactly. I didn't say it's you who's irritating," Lauren replies rather calmly that it added fuel to the fire. "You should lessen it a bit though, you know your Pride...?" The green eyed girl wryly says, pursing her lips as she trailed off.

"Dude, let's go." A tall guy says impatiently, nodding towards the exit. Luke glances at him annoyingly and then looks back at the green eyed Latina.

"We are not done yet, Jauregui." Luke hisses pointing his index finger threateningly at Lauren.

"No, we are done Luke. There is nothing much to say anymore."

"Oh, that's what you think." Luke chuckled bitterly and glances at Camila. The girl cringes and avoids his gaze making the guy roll his eyes. Soon enough, he finally turns around and exits the hallways. The people who had surrounded them started to lessen as well, until the two girls was the only people left on the hallways.

"God, he was insane." Lauren muttered and then turned to Camila, almost forgetting that she was still there. She was feeling a bit nervous to what Luke was planning, but he shouldn't be able to do something that bad to them, right? He knows what kind of consequences would be happening to him if he does. So, Lauren decided not to worry too much and just focus on something else.

Camila shrugs, still a bit uncomfortable and awkward. Her inexperienced self between friends wasn't helping either. "Come on let's go, I'm starving." Lauren quickly starts walking towards her car, Camila following behind her to try and catch up with her pace. It was as though she was a lost puppy following her owner.

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