Chapter 17

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"Whatcha Laughing so hard at?" A voice behind Lauren and Camila said making the pair turn around, smiling at him while Ally, Normani and Dinah glared at him. The couple have forgotten to tell about the arrival of Luke and that he was the reason that Camila and Lauren were fine.

"Nothing, Luke" Lauren shook her head still smiling. Dinah, Ally and Normani looked at each other in confusion.

"Nothing? I can practically hear your laugh all the way at the farthest corner of the cafeteria!" Luke chuckled. "It's not nothing, Share?"

"It's really nothing, you wouldn't get it" Lauren sighed, shaking her head.

"Are you two like friends now?" Dinah asked and narrowed her eyes at them. Lauren turned to look at Dinah, shrugging.

"He saved us from getting our asses kicked"

"So just because he saved you-wait what?" Dinah furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, Normani and Ally just as confused as her.

"I'll explain later" Lauren told them and Luke cleared his throat.

"Sorry, I should go? I gotta do something" Luke announced, cupping the back of his neck with his palm awkwardly. The girls just looked at him. "Yeah...Okay, Uh..Bye?" He laughs awkwardly and turned to leave after Lauren and Camila waved Good bye.

"Okay, now explain" Normani said and leaned forward closer to the two girls. Dinah nodded for the two girls to start talking, Ally ready to listen intently. Lauren looked at Camila who nodded her head in encouragement.

"Okay.." Lauren clasps her hands. "Where do I start?"

"Ending" Dinah sarcastically said making Lauren roll her eyes at her impatience.

"Right, Okay so long story short" Lauren started, taking a deep breath as if she would tell a really long story but she actually won't "I found Camila with a group of teens, got into a fight, got punched, Luke came, saved us, we talked, He apologized, I didn't forgive him but he was my friend anyway, He also apologized to Camila then the two practically dragged me to the clinic against my own will! I mean come on!"

"Wow, that was the best story telling I have ever heard. so...detailed" Normani sarcastically said, laughing. Dinah joined the laughter. Ally scolded the two who immediately shuts their mouth.

"Wow, thanks guys you're the best. Muchas gracias" Lauren rolled her eyes. "Why are you laughing, babe this is serious!" Lauren groaned as Camila laughed out loud after holding her laughter for so long. She shouldn't be laughing but the way Lauren have told the story didn't even sound serious at all. especially the last two sentences.

"I am S-sorry but the w-way you told the s-story did not e..even sound serious" Camila giggled and covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing. It wasn't even that funny, Lauren and her really had an odd and weird sense of humor.

"I was just trying to make it short, okay!" Lauren huffed. "At least Ally is with me, right Ally?" Lauren looked over at the older girl for approval but it didn't come seeing that the older girl's mouth was covered by both her palms to hide her laughter. "No" Lauren groaned, dragging the word and slouched on her seat.

"Come on Laur. We are just trying to lighten up the mood, we've been through a lot and it's time to actually think positive! Enough with the drama!"  Ally tried to cheer up the green eyed girl who finally broke into a smile.

"I guess you're right" Lauren laughed at the girls' expression after she have said that and they all started to make fun of all the drama that have happened throughout their lives. then the girls just started to talk about random things.

"I like it when my clothes is big on me" Lauren told the girls, grinning widely. Normani laughed at her and Lauren furrowed her eyebrows slightly in confusion.

"It's clothes are big on me" Normani corrected the green eyes girl who scrunched up her nose.

"It's the same thing" Lauren waved her hands dismissively but Normani shook her head.

"No Lauren, that's wrong grammar. It's are" Normani pushed through the subject. Camila nodded in agreement.

"Please be by my side this time, Camila" Lauren whined. Camila giggled, shaking her head.

"Maybe n-next time" Camila shrugged.

"It's is though" Lauren said and Normani and Camila shook their heads, Dinah and Ally engrossed on another conversation.

Camila raised her hand. "I will s-search it up" Camila pulled out her phone and started searching on her phone. Normani transferred seat and Camila heard the girl say 'ew' at something she saw in Camila's phone making the brunette giggle and shook her head. "No, i-ignore th-that" She said and giggled again. Normani scrunched up her nose.

"Yeah, I'll search it up too!" Lauren was now searching up to find the correct grammar and prove that her grammar is right and she found one statement "It said here that it can be both ways and this is off from!" Lauren read out loud but Camila and Normani shook their heads, saying 'no' without removing their eyes from Camila's phone. Lauren looked up them in disbelief, shaking her head and continued to scroll through google.

"Clothes cannot be is, it says it's impossible" Lauren read out loud not realizing what she have just read.

"Wait What?" Camila and Normani said, looking up at Lauren. "Exactly!" The two beamed, jumping up and down on their seats in victory. Lauren squinted her eyes on the screen.

"Oh" is all she said as Camila and Normani continued to celebrate, jumping up and down from their seats, laughing. "People are sometimes wrong, and I was" The two finally calmed down and nodded their heads to Lauren.

"Me and Camila were finally right, Grammar queen!" Normani raised her hand to high-five Camila.

"Camila and I" Lauren corrected and Normani sticked her tongue out at her.


A/N: Okay this was so short. but double update HaH. I don't know why but my brain is basically empty right now.

That reference tho! :D

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