Chapter 18

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"Camila, please answer the phone" Lauren runs her hand through her hair in both frustration and concern, pacing around her room. Camila wasn't answering her phone, nor her text messages. Lauren tried going to her house across the street but ended up just standing there waiting like an idiot, not even her mom answered the door. Nothing worked, spamming her wasn't going to work either. It was pretty useless but Lauren wasn't going to stop until she knows where Camila and her family is. Camila didn't leave her, did she? If she is then she would have told Lauren but what scared her is that, what if a Camila did? Their car wasn't on the garage and their house felt really empty and dull unlike when the family is home.

It has been a week since the encounter with the group that Lauren still had no idea who, since Camila didn't seem to plan on telling her. a week of fun and enjoyment with Camila who 2 days later just magically disappeared along with her parents. Their house was basically empty and Lauren just realized that after standing there for an hour and a half, just sitting on their front porch looking around for any clues as to where Camila is which was kinda stupid but she didn't care.

Lauren threw her phone across the room out of frustration and it smashed on the wall with a horrifying sound. Lauren groaned loudly, ignoring it and walked over to the windows, opening her curtains to check the empty house in case Camila got home but still found it empty. The green eyed girl sighed and jumped on top of her bed, closing her eyes to try to keep herself calm as possible.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed and the green eyed girl sat up and ran towards her phone, unlocking it and walked back over to her bed.

[Dinah] Hey loser! What's up?

[Lauren] Dinah...I need you, can you come here?

[Dinah] YOU? Need ME? Is this something serious because I'm pretty sure you won't be needing me if Camila is there or is it about her?

[Lauren] You know I'll come to you guys if Camila is here or not.

[Dinah] or is it something you don't wanna tell her

[Lauren] it's actually because Camila is NOWHERE to be found!

[Dinah] wait, wait hold up.

Lauren frowned when her phone started to ring while she was typing, making her accidentally click the decline button. Well You can't blame her.

[Dinah] Hey why did you decline! 😫😩😢

[Lauren] I was typing

With that, Dinah once again called Lauren and this time, the green eyed girl clicked the green button.

"What do you mean she is 'nowhere' to be found!?" Dinah yelled-asked from across the phone and Lauren had to pull her phone away from her ears.

"She's not here, Dinah! She doesn't reply to my calls and texts and their car isn't in their garage" Lauren replied, controlling the tears that was threatening to fall. "I...She..what if she left?"

"Maybe she just had a family bonding or something and she doesn't have signal from the place" Dinah tried to stay positive to the situation and avoided the worse scenarios even if the positive ones were a bit stupid and didn't make sense but at least it gave them some hope.

"She didn't tell me anything. she could have told me, Dinah. She wasn't here yesterday either. Her house is literally so...empty" Lauren informed her, sobs escaping her lips and she wiped the tears that was now falling freely from her eyes. She didn't like crying.

"No, no, no. Don't cry, don't cry" Dinah tried comforting the girl from the phone and it was helping Lauren a bit "Camila might have a reason, she should have right? I mean she can't just leave, Laur. Just try to stay positive" Dinah herself wasn't sure what to do but she had to stay positive for her best friend. "Do you want us to go there? I'll tell ally and Normani as to what is happening so you don't have to explain it to them, okay?" Lauren nodded but then she realized that Dinah couldn't see her so she answer an 'okay'. She heard shuffling on the other end and hangs up.

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