Chapter 21 (Last Chapter)

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Lauren wasn't mad at Camila, she felt anger towards herself for letting that happen even if she knew that she couldn't do anything to it and that none of it was their fault but she couldn't help but blame herself. She was also confused, She had no idea why Camila moved from here to her 'home' to which Lauren still doesn't know where. She didn't know how Camila was able to leave without Lauren even noticing. Was Lauren really that oblivious? Camila didn't leave any hints that she was leaving, did she? Why did she move without even telling Lauren? Lauren would have understood if the girl explained it to her but she didn't and the green eyed girl was confused and couldn't help but think it was because of the incident a few days ago.

Lauren took a deep breath and started the car engine, driving towards the place she haven't been for a really long time now. It was probably empty seeing that it was 3 am in the morning. Her family would hopefully not notice that she was gone, she have just asked her parents about Camila and they did know that she left but they said they didn't know where she is. Lauren felt like they were hiding something.

As Lauren came near to the beach, she looked around the place and found it empty so she parked the car and walked towards the beach, taking off her shoes. She felt more comfortable on the beach without them, it feels soft and once she stepped on the sand, she felt calm and she really missed this beach. Lauren grabbed her shoes and ran towards the sea shore and dropped the shoes on the ground once she was near the water to just stared at the bright night sky, star filling the whole sky. The moon was full and round and the beach was extremely beautiful. It was dark and the moon and stars was the only one lighting up the beach other than the lamp posts. She loved this place, it is the place where she lets out her frustration, anger or just to relax herself. This place is usually empty at this kind of hour so it is the time Lauren goes here, just peace and quiet.

It all changed when Lauren felt herself scream in agony as tears stream down her face one by one. She haven't cried for a long time after she met Camila and now that she wasn't here with her, she felt like the other piece was missing once again, her heart ripped away from her that was probably miles away. She screamed in frustration, anger and confusion. She didn't stop screaming even when her throat started to hurt, even when a car passed by the beach, even when it unexpectedly rained, but she eventually had to when she ran out of breath. She completely forgotten that there was a storm announced but Lauren didn't care so she was there on the beach, crying as she knelt on the now wet sand as the rain poured down on her. All she could think of is Camila who has a fear of storms, what is she doing right now? Who was holding her right now to try to comfort her from the storm, reassuring her that it's just a bunch of noise and she would be safe as long as Lauren is there. but the green eyed girl wasn't there and a vulnerable Camila popped into her mind sting more for the girl than herself.

Lauren's throat was now sore and she looked like a mess under the rain. Sobs escaped her lips but couldn't be heard as the rain continued to pour down on her became worst, she also have forgotten that she had to drive back home which was impossible to do right now. There was no houses she knew that was near the beach so she had no idea what to do but to just walk back home and leave her car and go back to it once the rain have stopped, it wasn't that far anyway so Lauren slowly stood up and started to walk back home forcefully as she dragged her foot trying to not fall down on the ground. She walked down the quiet and dark streets, with her shoes already worn. There was not much of a car passing by seeing that it was really late now.

The cold wind hits her making her shiver and wrapped her own arms around her body, A black Honda car passed by her, also heading to the same direction she was in but suddenly stopped in front of a shop. Lauren figured that the driver was probably talking to someone by the window but she couldn't see the person and it was important anyway so she continued her journey to her home. She was almost there.

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