Chapter 5

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The bell rang indicating that Lunch was now over. Camila stood up and bid her goodbyes to her friends before they went to their separate ways, dreading at the thought of having to be in the same four walls with the green eyed beauty.

Camila walks over to her usual seat and pulled out her notebook and pen, placing it on top of her table. She looks up only to meet the same piercing green eyes she grew fond of, their gazes locking for quite awhile before Camila averted her gaze back to look down at her notebook.

She felt somebody walking towards her and sat on the vacant seat beside her. Camila knew who it was through the corner of her eyes, she decided not to look up and pulled out her book to distract herself.

Lauren had no other choice but to sit beside the girl she has been avoiding since all the seats were taken and she wasn't even late.

Is this fate? Lauren asks herself and slowly sat beside the brunette who is reading a book to try and distract herself or just to avoid her. It stung a lot but she definitely deserved it.

Lauren awkwardly looks around and hesitated if she should try and talk to the other girl who seemed to rather be anywhere but be there.

"Camila," Lauren whispered, Camila ignored her and flipped another page of the book. "I'm sorry okay?" Lauren tried apologizing but Camila didn't think it was sincere enough for her,

"Camila" Lauren calls out for her name again but Camila didn't move an inch to look at her but moved to the next page of the book. "Mila" Lauren says sofly trying again using her nickname this time. Lauren sighs and thinks for a minute on how she could get the attention of the other girl and finally decided on one. "Camz." She calls out with the nickname she have made and always wanted to call her that since 'Camila' and 'Mila' is still quite long for her. Camila finally looks up with her large brown eyes to meet with her green ones, surprise at the new nickname.

"Finally, I thought-" Lauren starts but gets cut off by Camila when she placed her index finger on Lauren's lips to silence her. Camila shook her head as if to say that she didn't want to talk to her right now but Lauren didn't understand her. Lauren held Camila's finger that was on her lips and Camila quickly removed her hand away from Lauren. "Sorry, I don't know what you were trying to say.." Lauren tells her and Camila rolled her eyes and turned around to continue her reading, Lauren sighs now understanding. "Okay..." Lauren trails off and didn't say anything and waited for the teacher to arrive who was once again late.

Once the teacher arrived, she started her lesson, Camila taking notes in the important ones while Lauren is deep in thought and couldn't concentrate.

"We are going to have a project" The teacher announces and everybody groans, except Lauren who had just snapped out of her thoughts and immediately shook it away. "You may choose your own partner and I would write the instruction on the board, also please be quiet when looking for one, you may start" All the students except for Lauren and Camila, stood up and went to their partners. Camila looks around, frowning but sighs.

The teacher seemed to notice the two girls without partners and approached them. "Camila, you can be partners with Lauren. Tell me if there would be any problems okay?" The teachers tells Camila and glances at Lauren who nods, smiling. The teacher smiles back and looks at Camila who also nodded her head. "Okay, you may start" The teacher gives them one last smile and heads back to her table.

Lauren turns around to look at Camila with a blank expression written on her face, unreadable. Camila also looks at her and felt somewhat uncomfortable and awkward but tried to not show it.Camila looks down at her notebook and wrote something.

"Okay, so what now?" Lauren asks and Camila looks up to meet her gaze again and gave her the message she wrote.

'You don't have to do anything, I can just do all the work' Lauren read and frowns at it.

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