Chapter 13

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Lauren dips her foot in the ice cold water, She winced but relaxed after staying like that after for a few minutes. She then dipped her whole body afterwards and she shivered at how cold the water is.

It was finally Friday and She just got into softball practice, her first one for this year and her whole body was aching like hell. She was sure it will become worse the next day because of experience and she regretted for not staying in fit over the summer.

but since people says that doing this would help so why not give it a try?

After Camila have fallen asleep yesterday she quietly sneaked out of the other girl's room, kissing the girl's forehead. The smaller girl mumbled something in her sleep, Lauren didn't understand but smiled and left. Camila skipped school the next day.

Once she was finished, she got out and wrapped a towel around her body. She was still a bit shivering and it got worse when she got out of her bathroom and forgot to close her window, the cold wind blew hard towards her direction and she quickly ran towards it, holding the towel so that it wouldn't fall and closed the window. She was about to also close the curtain when she saw Camila looking at her on the other side of the street, smiling.

Lauren laughs and cocked an eyebrow before closing the curtains. She quickly took out her clothes and went back to the bathroom to change.

'Wow, what a creep' Lauren jokes, texting Camila and she quickly recieved a reply.

[Camila] Hm, yeah it was a nice view :)

[Lauren] Oh? really?

[Lauren] but What were you doing before that, hm?

[Camila] Before what?

[Lauren] You know before I opened the curtain?

[Camila] Staring at your closed curtain?

Camila didn't know what to answer so she went on telling the truth instead.

[Lauren] Oh.

[Camila] Yeah, I'm such a creep huh?

[Lauren] Nah, you're cute ;)


[Lauren] what does that mean?

[Lauren] But wait, how are you? feeling any better?

[Camila] You weren't here...

[Lauren] Huh?

[Camila] You weren't here when I woke up, you left :(

Guilt washed over her and instantly regretted leaving the girl without a goodbye, Maybe the kiss on the forehead was a goodbye but Camila wasn't awake on that time so she apologized. Her only explanation is that she just wanted the girl to rest.

[Camila] I still feel sick

[Camila] Lauren?

[Camila] Lauren. Hello? you there??

[Camila] Good night, Lauren...well it's not yet night...but uh...scratch that

[Camila] Sweet dreams :)

[Lauren] I'm still awake camz, haha.

[Camila] You weren't replying! xP

[Lauren] Sorry!

[Lauren] tbh, I actually did fall asleep for a few minutes.

[Camila] Aw, are you that tired? you should rest, it'll help

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