Chapter 10

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Lauren haven't seen Camila around for about a week, the girl is pretty good at hiding and somehow blended in with the crowd. but How could Camila blend in if she always wears her signature bow on her head? maybe Camila stopped wearing it? Lauren didn't want that. She always loved it when Camila wears the bow. she would also know if something is wrong when she doesn't wear it.

The green eyed girl is walking down the empty hallways, everybody should be at home at this time of hour so she decided to just walk around the school hallways.

she was suppose to take a shower after P.E class but decided she would do it after the school would be empty, she wanted peace and quiet.

But it seemed like somebody was still here, Lauren furrowed her eyebrows when she hears another voice inside the locker room, singing. the voice sounded familiar, like really familiar.

What if we ruin it all, and we love like fools? And all we have we lose? I don't want you to go but I want you so, so Tell me what we choose.

The tune was slower than the actual one and there was a few stutter here and there but Lauren didn't care. The person's voice was beautiful and Lauren then knew who it was, she was doubting though.

Friends, I watched us as we changed
The feelings in my headspace rearranged. I want you more than I've wanted anyone. Isn't that dangerous?

Out of curiousity, Lauren placed her hand on the doorknob and slowly opened the door. The person stopped singing out the lyrics and started humming instead. The person was Camila. She was right.

Camila didn't look up, thinking it was just the janitor who would clean the girl's locker room. She was a bit confused when the figured didn't move and just stared at her, it made her slightly uncomfortable.

"Camila?" Lauren's raspy voice filled the quiet room after for a few minutes of just standing and staring at Camila on the doorway. Camila immediately stopped humming and looked up.

She was startled to see Lauren instead of the Janitor and she quickly looked back down so she was looking at her book on her lap.

'What is Lauren doing here?'Camila thought.

Lauren didn't know why Camila was reading a book in the locker room instead of the library. She wouldn't judge though.

"Uh, so, um" Lauren stummers and cleared her throat. What was she supposed to say? she misses her? obviously she wouldn't say that. Camila's heart was beating faster when Lauren started walking toward her direction. What is she doing?

Lauren walked past her, heading to her locker to get something and heads to the showers.

Oh. Camila sighs in relief and stood up to leave but then stopped when she hears Lauren's voice.

The anticipation before the kiss
Mirrored in my shaking lips
Oh god I feel so unprepared
The two of us so out of place
My feeling written on my face
Got what I wanted but now I'm scared
Lauren continued singing at where Camila have left off.

Camila sighed, deciding to do what she had always tried on doing but end up failing. She walked in front of the shower curtains where Lauren have walked in. She pushes the showers to the side and Lauren quickly grabbed her towel to cover herself when she heared the shower curtains opening.

Luckily she covered herself before Camila sees her naked. Camila completely forget about that even though it was obvious that Lauren was taking a shower.

"What the hell? you scared me" Lauren breathes out, her heart beating fast as if it would pop out of her chest. Camila just stared at her with an unreadable expression, she didn't know where the burst of courage came from but she kind of liked it and she seriously needed it.

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