Chapter 19

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"Mija, wake up. It's time to go to school" Clara shook her daughter's shoulder who was already late for school. Lauren wasn't able to wake up which rarely happens since Lauren wakes up on her own, getting used to waking up early but she didn't on this day and Clara had no clue as to why. She had to go check up on Lauren after not going down the stairs, an hour late from the time she usually does. Dark circles formed Lauren's eyes due to the lack of sleep but it went unnoticed by Clara who stood up after telling Lauren that she was late and heads back downstairs. But should Lauren be thankful that Clara had woken her up? Probably not because all she wanted to do was just sleep and mope around the house, she still glad for her mother caring though.

Lauren removed the covers off her, not bothering to clean the mess in her room and reluctantly stood up walking towards her bathroom. Once she saw her reflection on the mirror, she can't help but grimaced. She looked horrible and she wouldn't even deny that, the bruise was still visible from a few days ago and dark circles formed on her eyes due to the lack of sleep, her hair was untamed but that was normal in the morning. Her eyes was mostly the one that made her grimaced, it was colorless, drained and dull compared to her usual lively ones and She was paler than before. Hell! Even Vampires looked better than her, more alive even if they weren't. compared to Lauren who was alive, she literally looked like a walking dead corpse.

Lauren turned the faucet on and splashed water on her face on an attempt to wake herself up. She then wiped her face with a towel and stared at her reflection once again and she looked a little bit better, maybe 0.1% to 1%.

Lauren stripped her clothes off and stepped inside the water without turning the heater on and let the ice cold water hit her body. she shivered but didn't make a move to get out of the shower and bare with the coldness. She needed this, she really do. After Camila hung up the phone, all Lauren did was cry and cry all day. Some people say that crying doesn't help but it does, maybe not with the situation but it helps Lauren emotionally, it makes her feel even just a little bit.

Lauren didn't exactly take a bath but just stood there on the cold ground, staring into space contemplating to call Camila who was still ignoring her text messages but Lauren knew that Camila read all of it, she was just not replying which kind of frustrated the green eyed girl. It wouldn't hurt to click her fingers on the keyboard, would it? She knew it was harder than said but Lauren was just getting frustrated in every passing hour. It would only lessen if Camila would just answer her phone and reply to Lauren's texts.

Lauren finally forced herself to move and take a proper shower before changing and heading out of her room, not even realizing that she has been there for half an hour and she probably missed the first class already so she lied to her mom saying that she felt sick and wanted to stay home and upon her mom hearing this, she let Lauren stay home when she saw her features. At least that helped Lauren.

The green eyed girl sat on top of her bed as she started to type another bunch of text messages to which Camila never replies.

Lauren [8:20]: Camila, please answer the phone

Lauren [8:21]: I wanna talk to you..

Lauren [8:22]: Please, Camz...I really just wanna hear your voice

Lauren [8:22]: I fucking miss you

At this point, a tear escaped Lauren's eye and she didn't a move to wipe it away since she knew that tears would just continue to build up in her eyes and roll down her cheeks so she ignored it.

Lauren [8:24]: I know you're reading this..

Lauren [8:26]: I'm sorry if I'm annoying you but please just reply

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