Chapter 20

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Another day without Camila was the most terrible day Lauren could ever have. After Camila left, She always doesn't feel like getting up to get to school and all she ever wanted to do was lock herself in her room and watch horror movies in Netflix. (Or maybe starve herself to death but she loved food too much so it was impossible). Her parents never asked about Camila or where she was and it confused Lauren since they adored Camila so much and they would always ask about her. The green eyed girl was getting a bit suspicious but thought that maybe her parents were just busy in work and wasn't that interested in Camila anymore?

Maybe she should just go and ask them...? or maybe not.

"Lauren, get up. You're late, again" Clara sternly said but still concerned as she opened the window curtains widely. Lauren just groaned and shook her head not wanting to get up from the bed. "Sweety, are you okay? You don't get up on the right time anymore"

"I'll get up mom, just give me a few minutes" Lauren grumbled, ignoring the last question and didn't make a move to stand up. Clara knew that 'a few minutes' meant almost an hour to Lauren so the mother had no choice but to pull the covers off Lauren who whined in response. "Nooo, mom! 5 minutes" Lauren whined and tried to pull the covers back on top of her body to keep her warm but failed when her mom removed it again.

"If you won't tell me what's wrong then get up, take a bath, eat breakfast and go to school, please Go now Lauren" Clara sternly said before leaving. Lauren groggily stood up, dragging her foot into the bathroom. She then stripped off her clothes and hopped in the shower, not caring if it was cold or not. Camila haven't talked to her after their small conversation which wasn't exactly a conversation and it have happened 10 days ago. Which felt like years ago.

Lauren poured a good amount of shampoo and placed it on her hair, massaging her scalp. She did the same for the conditioner then placed the soap on her body and washed it all off once she was done. She didn't even know that she has been in the shower for almost an hour. She change into her casual clothes and got out of the bathroom, she then heard voices and foot steps downstairs and it was getting closer to her.

Then her bedroom door burst open with her loud friends entering her room. "Lauren!" Ally greeted, walking towards Lauren who looked confused, giving her a quick hug.

"We're driving you to school, dumbass" Dinah rolled her eyes playfully when she saw the confused look on her friends face as if they don't usually do this and Lauren cocked an eyebrow.

"You're changed, good." Normani said, before giving Lauren a quick hug. "You've been skipping school for days so now you have no choice but to go and since you're changed already.."

"Let's go! We're late" Dinah pointed to the door. Lauren shrugged before following the girls out to the door.

"Bye, Mrs. Jauregui!" Lauren's best friends shouted from the living room for Clara to hear. Lauren's mom also greeted them bye's before going back to eating. Lauren groaned and got inside the car and She was starving.

"I'm hungry!" Lauren whined and leaned on the car door on the back seat. Dinah was seated beside her while ally was on the passenger seat with Normani driving.

"Here," Ally turned around and handed Lauren the sandwich they brought just in case Lauren didn't eat. And they were right, The green eyed girl took the sandwich gratefully that was inside the container and opened it, she then started to eat it after thanking ally. Dinah cocked an eyebrow at the girl.

"Wow, you are hungry" Dinah laughed once again. Normani looked at the rear view mirror to glance at Lauren, also laughing.

"It's not funny" Lauren frowned and took another bite on the sandwich that had Nutella on it. "I love Nutella"

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