Chapter 14

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Camila anxiously looks at the large building in front of her through the car's window, playing at the loose thread on her shirt as thoughts swarmed inside her head uncontrollably. Lauren sighed and got out of the vehicle, walking around it to open the girl's door as well. Camila just sat there looking quite uncertain before she finally glanced up at Lauren and stepped out of the car, her eyes averting back at the building.

"You okay?" Lauren asks in concern once she was beside the girl and placed her palm on Camila's shoulder giving it a soft squeeze. Camila slowly nodded at her question, looking like she was in some kind of a trance and started walking towards the building without a word exchange. Lauren trailed behind her with a slight frown on her lips at Camila's behavior, hoping that the girl would be comfortable enough to actually talk to her therapist.

"It'll be fine, Camz. You have nothing to worry about, just be honest okay?" Lauren tried to comfort her, quickening her pace so she was beside her girlfriend, not quite knowing what else to say since she haven't experienced these kind of stuff and only to receive a reply from the girl with a soft nod.

"You must be Ms.Cabello?" The girl behind the counter table asked once the two girls neared and Camila nods her head. "Ms. Ramirez will be here any minute. She's a bit late because of traffic, is it okay if you wait here?" The girl smiled politely at her and Camila nodded her head once again, plopping down on the empty seat afterwards. Lauren glanced at her and thanked the receptionist before sitting beside Camila as well.

"I know this is difficult for you and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable and forced in any ways possible, i know you think this is the best for you.. I mean, not that I'm saying it's not but its just that you're still quite sick and—" Lauren gets cut off when Camila softly shook her head at her, holding up her palm to stop her from talking.

"No, I... Its o-okay" Camila muttered and played with her fingers nervously, giving Lauren a smile of reassurance that the green eyed girl couldn't help but know it was forced. The green eyed girl softly nodded and slumped on her seat deciding to just let her be. So instead, she settled on just intertwining their hands and hummed an unfamiliar song to somewhat soothe out the girl's nerves while they wait for the doctor.

They only sat up straight when they saw the therapist quickly walking towards the door to the room before closing it behind her.

Lauren glances at Camila and motioned for her to go inside the particular room, giving her hand a final squeeze and offered a smile. The action brought a sense of calmness towards the girl and felt guilty for acting that way to her. So she gave Lauren a huge smile of appreciation and pecked her cheeks before finally entering the room.

Lauren sighed as she heard the door close, leaving her alone in the hallway. She pulled out her phone to play games while she waited, assuming that it might take awhile until Camila's comes out the door. She looked up when she felt and saw another presence by her peripheral vision sitting on the empty Camila's once sat. It was a boy with dark brown hair and she could only see half of his face since he was looking down. No bell rung when she saw his face so Lauren figured he wasn't from their school though he looked somewhat her age or maybe even younger.

"Hi." Lauren greeted prompting for the boy to look up at her, eyebrows furrowed deeply in confusion.

"Hi?" He said in uncertainty and looked around the room to make sure the girl in front of him was talking to him. Surely, she was. "Yes..?" He asked and Lauren shrugged her shoulder nonchalantly, leaning back on her seat while the boy continued to look at her in pure confusion. It was quite amusing.

"Just saying Hi." Lauren said simply, a somewhat of a weird habit of her's to randomly saying hi to strangers when she was completely bored out of her mind. Usually, they would just look at her weirdly and ignore her or sometimes, they'll smile and greet her back.

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