Chapter 12

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Camila almost whimpered at the sudden loss of contact when Lauren removed her hands around the girl's waist to take out the books in her locker. She got so used to Lauren always holding her and she loved it, nobody held her like Lauren does. The green eyed girl quickly placed the books inside her bag and wrapped her hands around Camila's waist once again making the girl smile.

"You know, you're cute." Lauren told Camila for the hundredth time over the week and the third time for today.

"I k-know, you t-t...told me" Lauren smiled and kissed Camila's temples. They turned to a corner and stopped in front of Camila's locker. The younger girl took out her books and placed it inside her bag. she then closed it when she was done and Lauren placed her arm around her waist once again, walking towards their classroom.

"You're cute." Lauren repeats and Camila playfully rolled her eyes.

"Y-you just t-told me, like 30 s-s...seconds a-ago" Camila mutters and Lauren laughs, pinching the girl's cheeks.

"'cause it's true," Lauren smirks, continuing " You're cute." Camila playfully rolls her eyes once again and covers the girl's mouth to shut her up. Lauren has been repeating those 2 words for the past 30 minutes but don't get her wrong, it wasn't because she was tired of Lauren's voice saying she was cute or Lauren's voice itself, she just didn't like blushing every time knowing that she would definitely look like a tomato.

"You're cute, You're cute, You're cute..." Lauren repeats over and over again, her voice muffled by Camila's hand clamped on her mouth. Though, Camila could still hear her clearly.

Once Lauren stopped talking, stopping in front of their classroom, Camila removed her hand out of Lauren's mouth, then Lauren immediately spoke again. "You're beautiful." Camila looks over at her blushing, her cheeks impossibly red than it already was.

Lauren laughs, "Oh, my god you are so red!" Camila playfully glared at her and slapped her arm, hard.

"Ow." Lauren mutters, pouting and rubbed the place where Camila have smacked but a smile was still plastered on her face. "That hurts Camzi."

Camila shrugged, smiling innocently and slipped inside the classroom without a second glance or word to Lauren. The classroom was filled with 3 voices and she was surprise to already see the girls sitting there, they weren't usually this early.

"Sup dawgs!" Dinah greets the girls, waving at her once she saw the brunette coming over the empty seats beside her, Lauren following behind. Ally and Normani also greeted the girls and was immediately engrossed in a conversation.

Lauren have already told the girls the whole story behind 'Camren', She skipped a few details that they didn't have to know, it was just unnecessary and was between the two.

Dinah also explained what Camren is and the story when her and Normani were arguing about which ship name is better. Camren or Laurmila? at the end, they ended up with Camren.

"Okay, so you two haven't had your first date and You are already titled as girlfriends" Dinah slowly asks the two as if she was talking to a 5 year olds. Camila hummed a 'yes'

"When are you planning then?" Ally asks them in excitement. Dinah, Normani and her loved doing their make up. Camila looks at Lauren for answers.

"Hm, on saturday" Lauren said and The chocolate brown eyed brunette cocked an eyebrow at her, smiling.

"Cool! what time?" Normani asked, clapping her hands.

"Am I going on a date with you guys or Camila?" Lauren laughs softly and Dinah playfully rolled her eyes, laughing softly

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