Chapter 2

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A few hours have passed and Camila is now on Normani's porch. Camila have walked all the way to Normani's house since it's just a 10 minute walk, Dinah texted her that she lives a few blocks from Normani, Ally lives across from Dinah and Lauren lives right across from her which surprised her, probably because she rarely goes out of her house. All she ever does most of the time is go to school then go back home.

Camila nervously lifts her hand, thinking that she might have been on the wrong house and she doesn't know what to expect at all. Camila looks over to her right and noticed the door bell, mentally facepalming herself. She gently pressed the doorbell, hearing the beautiful melody and Waited for someone to come get the door.

After for a few minutes, the door swings open revealing Normani with face full of flour.

"Welcome to my home, full of freaks!" Normani greeted the other girl and Camila laughs at her joke or possibly not a joke. Normani steps aside to let her enter and Camila enters happily, looking around the house to study it. She noticed Lauren and Dinah running around the house with a face full of flour as well, Ally solved them trying to stop them from running around before they make the place messier if it was still possible.

"Sorry for the mess we made, we tried baking cookies and brownies with Ally but this is what happened." She points to the mess around the house and chuckled, shaking her head at her friends.

"Lauren!" Dinah whines when Lauren placed more flour on her face. The green eyed girl immediately ran away from the Polynesian girl who immediately started to chase her around the house again. Ally sighed and her head.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Lauren apologized rapidly, laughing mid sentence when she noticed the wet flour dripping from Dinah's forehead down to her cheeks. Lauren hides behind Camila's back, holding both the girl's shoulder to shield herself from the younger girl.

Dinah tries to grab her but, wasn't able to since the brown eyed Latina was blocking her way to the other Latina. Camila just laughs at them as Dinah reached for Lauren once again, but the green eyed girl instantly lets go of Camila's shoulder and ran away to the opposite side.

This happened for about a few more minutes and they finally decided to stop just as Ally finally finished baking the cookies without the brownies since she ran out of ingredients due to three girls. Luckily, Camila was there to help her. Ally hands them the food, grabbing a few cookies for herself before she handed it to them. She knows she wouldn't be getting any if she hands it to them first.

They have been watching movies for hours and now spread all over the living room with pillows and blankets enveloping their bodies to keep themselves warm.

"Guys, would you wanna watch The notebook or Mean girls next?" Ally asked and shows them the DvD, glancing at both items before looking at the girls.

"We already watched those a lot of times already." Lauren whines and shows them the DvD that she wanted to watch. "Can we watch insidious instead? 1, 2 or 3? It's my turn to choose, Please?" Lauren pleads to the girls who shook their heads except for Dinah and Normani.

"I don't mind." Dinah replied and Normani agrees with her.

"No way, come on Lauren! just pick something different instead." Ally pleads and they all look at Camila for her opinion. Camila, not liking horror movies, obviously shakes her head no in an instant.

"Does that mean you agree with me or you agree with ally?" Lauren asks with a hopeful smile, almost pleading for Camila to agree with her.

Camila bit the inside of her cheeks, glancing between Lauren and Ally in thought. She wanted to tell them she hated horror movies but it was as if she wasn't controlling herself.

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