Chapter 6

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Lauren slowly opens her eyes, waking up when she hears her mom knocking on their door for dinner. She rubs her eyes and glances at her side to see Camila hugging her arms, asleep. The sight made her smile, she didn't want to wake her up but she had to.

"Camila," Lauren whispered and softly shook her shoulders to try to get her to wake up. "Camila, wake up." Lauren tries again and the girl shifted on the bed, groaning before she finally opened her eyes. And almost jumped off the bed when she came face to face with those beautiful green eyes. It looked so green.

Camila realizes that she had fallen asleep and removes her hand from Lauren's arm. "It's dinner. My parents and my siblings are downstairs waiting," Lauren tells her and Camila's eyes widened since she haven't experience dinner with her whole family. "Don't worry, they're cool." Lauren reassures her and gave a squeeze on her shoulder before they both fixed themselves to look presentable and headed downstairs.

"Hey, Dad." Lauren greets her Father, mike and kisses his cheek

"Hey, honey," Mike greets, smiling and notices Camila. "Camila, Yeah?" He asks and Camila nods, smiling. "Well, it's nice to have you here, Camila" Mike says and Smiles at her, giving her a quick hug. Camila awkwardly returns it back.

"Camila, this is Taylor and Chris " Lauren introduces Camila to her siblings who smiled politely.

"We already know her, Lauren." Chris tells her, laughing and Lauren grew confused, again.

"What? Not you too. How come I didn't know her before?" Lauren asks and they all laughed at her.

"You usually lock yourself in your room, remember?" Chris said and Lauren scrunches her nose, knowing that it is true but not all the time.

"Not always." Lauren told them defensively.

"Yeah, alright sweetie." Clara says "Now why don't we sit down and eat?" Clara offers and gestures to the food on the table. "Food might get cold."

"Right." Lauren nodded and sat at her usual seat across from Chris and Taylor. Lauren taps at the vacant seat beside her and Camila walks over and sits on the vacant seat.

They all started eating and would often start conversations. Soon enough, Camila was finally able to relax and became comfortable towards them.

The dinner went by fast, Chris and Taylor now on their bedrooms while Lauren's parents stayed on the kitchen either talking or washing the dishes. As of Camila and Lauren, they sat alone on the living room.

"Are you really sure you are going to the party?" Lauren asks concerned and wanted to start a conversation. Camila nods, smiling.

"Y..yeah" Camila says and Lauren was still worried for the other girl.

"Are you really sure? I mean it's Merideth's party, You know what she's like.." Lauren asked again and Camila giggles amused. Lauren cocks an eyebrow at her. "What's funny?"

Camila shook her head.

"Does that mean you are not going or you won't tell me why you laughed?" Lauren asks a bit confused and Camila pulled out two fingers. "Oh, Alright then." Lauren slowly nodding and smirks.

Camila notices and cocks an eyebrow at Lauren this time. Before she knew it, Lauren lunges forward and starts tickling Camila's side earning a loud and adorable laughters from the smaller girl and begged Lauren to stop.

"Oh, what is going on?" Mike asks amused, smiling.

"Aw, how sweet." Clara coes and Lauren moves away from Camila, her cheeks a dark crimson but luckily the room was dark enough for them to not noticed. Camila's cheeks also turned into a dark shade of red, fixing her shirt as she looked up at Lauren's parents.

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