Chapter 7

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Lauren looks at her reflection on the mirror, adjusting her black dress. She has been inside this bathroom for probably half an hour and the two girls were waiting in her bedroom.

"Lauren..." Dinah whines from the other side of the wall and knocks on the door impatiently. "Are you done yet?"

"One more minute!" Lauren responds to her, playfully rolling her eyes at Dinah before looking at herself on the mirror, her insecurities started kicking in. She sighed and shook her head to get ride of those thoughts before finally opening the door, walking out.

"Finally!" Dinah threw her hands up on the air once she saw Lauren coming out of the bathroom.

"Thanks, Dinah." Lauren sarcastically said, Dinah sticking her tongue out at her childishly. "You two look beautiful." Lauren compliments the two girls, smiling.

"Thanks, Chica." Dinah thanked her, flipping her hair and looked down at her wrist watch to check the time.

"So, lets go?" Dinah asks and glanced between the two Latinas who nodded. They then all walked downstairs on their heels with ease, other than Camila, who wondered how they could walk so flawlessly without tripping on air.

Camila sat on the backseat alone seeing that Lauren decided to sit on the front seat with Dinah. (Though she would like it better if Lauren would be there beside her.) Ally wasn't able to go since she was busy while Normani had a family dinner with her relatives; leaving Dinah, Lauren and Camila to go on the party on their own.


"Woot, woot, woot!" Dinah excitedly yells and fist bumps her fist on the air once they were outside the car and standing on the front yard of Merideth's house.

"Hey, do you really have to buy her a gift?" Dinah asks while walking towards the gigantic house, scrunching up her nose as she looked down at the present on Lauren's hands. She didn't get why she had to, it wasn't like she was nice to them.

"Yeah." Lauren shrugs and knocks on the door once they were infront of it, Dinah just seemed to hate Merideth and she had a lot of reasons why. She could even write a book about how she hated her but what confused her was that, why would Dinah want to go to her party if she didn't want to do anything to the girl other than give her a poly beat down? But she didn't bother asking the girl, Dinah could be confusing sometimes.

Wait, why were they knocking?

Suddenly, The door swung open revealing Merideth who grinned widely at them. "Lauren, Dinah! Why are you just standing there?" Merideth shouts over the music, it was shocking that she wasn't drunk. she then looks at Camila, her smile lessening. "Oh. Hi Camila, I'm suprised you're here." Camila uncomfortably shifts in her position, the insecurity for her looks increased after seeing Merideth. There was something laced in her voice too and she didn't like it, it kind of scared her.

"Come in." Merideth opens the door widely to let them in and Lauren hands her the gift, smiling. "Aw, Thanks Lauren." Merideth coes and leans in to give a kiss on Lauren's cheek which she oftens do to her friends but Camila didn't know that.

She wanted to punch the girl when she saw her kiss Lauren on the cheek, but she ofcourse didn't.

"I'll just get some juice, I probably shouldn't get drunk since somebody should be the driver, Wanna get drinks?" Dinah offers to Lauren and looks at her who shook her head no. "Alright, then. What about you Camila?" Camila also shook her head.

"Well, you better tell me if you would be drunk because if yes, I would be the driver and if no, I would seriously drink." Lauren shrugged and Dinah rolled her eyes, smiling. "Whatever, I'm not going to drink then. I mean who knows what will happen?" Dinah wiggles her eyebrows. Camila blushes while Lauren just shrugs again. Dinah took one last glance at the two girls, winking at them before she heads to the kitchen.

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