monsters of mayhem (pt. 1)

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playlist has been added!~ chapter 2: songs n shit

They tore through the night along the dark country road

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They tore through the night along the dark country road. Maisie sat in the middle seat between Grover and Percy, using Percy's hoodie to keep warm. It was unlikely Ms. Jackson could actually see, due to the heavy rain, but she kept her foot on the gas regardless.

" guys know my mom," Percy asked.

"Well, we met yesterday," Maisie reminded Percy, leading him to realize that she was just about as lost as he was right now.

"I don't exactly know her," Grover said. "We've never met in person before, but she knew I was watching you."

Maisie figured the same case applied to her grandmothers.

"Watching me?" Percy asked.

"Just keeping tabs on you. But I wasn't faking being your friend," he said hastily. "I am your friend. Both of you."

aww, Maisie thought as she smiled at him.

"Ok," Percy said. "But um...what are you?"

Maisie swatted Percy's arm.

"Ow! What? That is a completely fair question!" He argued.

"It doesn't matter right now," Grover said.

"Doesn't matter?" Percy said. "From the waist down, my friend is a donkey—"

"Blaa-ba-ba. I'm a goat!" He cried.


"I'm a goat from the waist down."

"You just said it didn't matter!" Percy defended.

"Well there are satyrs who would trample you for such an insult!"

"Whoa," Maisie said. "Satrys? Like Mr. Brunner's myths?

"Was Mrs. Dodds a myth?" Grover argued.

"No," Maisie said. "But I knew that. I thought you didn't know that because you claimed she didn't even exist."

"But you just admitted it!" Percy said. "You admitted you were lying."

"We already knew he was lying Perce," Maisie mumbled.

"Look I had to lie," Grover said. "The more you know the more monsters you attract."

"Ok, speaking of monsters-" On cue a horrendous roar bellowed in the near distance.

"Percy," Sally said, "there's kind of a lot to explain, but right now we have to get you two to safety."

Percy looked at Maisie, then back up to his mom. "But from what? Who's after us?"

"Oh nobody much, just the Lord of the Dead and all his blood-thirsty minions." Grover was obviously still peeved about the donkey comment.

Percy's saw Maisie's eyes go wide. This was obviously news to her.

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