a gift for the gods

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Maisie didn't really have much to pack

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Maisie didn't really have much to pack.  Percy was off to get supplies and money from the camp store.  She just threw on the light blue sweatshirt Percy had given her, and put her lucky wooden turtle into her front pocket.

This is kinda your moment to shine Mr. Turtle, Maisie thought.

She then gathered the rest of her things into her backpack, and headed over to Percy's cabin.  Maisie hadn't been in cabin 3 yet.  It was nice.  There were huge windows adorning the wall facing the sea.  The walls were covered in seashells and coral, making it look like the bottom of the ocean.  Percy was sitting on his bed, typing his shoes, but he looked up at her when she entered.

"Hey, you packed?"

"I guess so. How much money did they give you?"

"Hundred bucks and 20 drachmas."

One-hundred dollars did not seem like a lot for traveling to Los Angeles by land.

"Oh," Percy said, "I owe you two drachmas. From racing." He reached into his front pocket and pulled out two gold coins, before tossing them to Maisie.  She now had a total of four drachmas to her name.

"I wanted to talk before we leave," Maisie said sitting down on the bed next to his.

"Uh, ok." Percy said, giving her his attention.

Maisie wrung her hands together, again, really wishing she had rings to play with.

"I know you've been thinking about your mom; and the likelyhood of her being in the underworld."

Percy looked away from her.

"And I know the weight of the world is kinda on our shoulders right now. With the threat of a war among gods and junk."

Percy hated this. He was mad at his dad for claiming him when it was convenient. Mad that the camp had a security breach because of him. Mad that it was up to him and his friends now, to fix the problems of ancient gods, who were fighting over some lightning bolt. When all he wanted...All he really wanted, was his mom.

"And well, I'm not sure if I even have to say this, but I figured I should. Just know I'm with you, ok?"

Percy swirled his head back towards her. "What?"

"I'm with you?" Maisie said, fearing through all her babbling that Percy tuned out to what she was saying. "In terms of finding your mom? Did I not explain that right-"

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