the reveal

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"What do you mean she's gone!?" Annabeth yelled at Percy

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"What do you mean she's gone!?" Annabeth yelled at Percy. Her and Grover had made their way back down into the cave, and found Percy, alone, freaking out. No Maisie.

"I—I don't know! She was just—But then she—" Percy was running his hands up and down the cave walls, searching exit? a trap door? some kind of explanation for how Maisie had vanished.

"Tell us what happened," Grover said, grabbing Percy's shoulder and flipping him around.

Percy explained the way his best friend was wrapped up and dragged away by inky darkness. "It was like—I don't know. Like the shadows—grabbed her or something!"

Annabeth had on her thinking face.

"What?" Percy asked her hurriedly. "What? What are you thinking?"

Annabeth said, "Maybe...Hades has her? He can control shadows you know. And we're in his realm. Maybe he knows we're here? And he took Maisie for—"

"Leverage?" Percy asked, unconvinced. "Why would he do that? He already has my mom."

"Can you think of anywhere else she might be?" Annabeth asked angrily.

"No," Percy admitted. "But what if she's not there? What if—" he went back to examining the cave.

"Percy," Grover said tentatively. "I don't think she's in the walls."

Eventually, Percy relented. He stared at the spot the girl had been a few moments ago, before following Annabeth and Grover up and out of the tunnel.

As awful as it was, he found himself hoping that she was with Hades. Because the prospect of having no idea where she was or what had happened to her was an even scarier thought.

Maisie felt cold.

The shadows seemed to seep into her body, chilling her bones. It felt like she was flying through a dark tunnel at the speed of light. So fast it felt as if the skin on her face would peel off.

She landed on her back. She raised her arm in front of her face and found that she could see herself again.

She looked at her surrounds. Another cave.


Except now, no Percy. No Grover. No Annabeth. And no lucky turtle.

Just a dark, dingy cave.

She saw something glistening through the dark a ways away from her. She got to her shaky feet, her body not loving whatever teleportation magic had jut occurred, and walked towards it.

She found herself looking a river. A glittering golden river, with black and red flowers lining the edges. It gave off a glow that illuminated the cave, causing shadows to take shape on the outer most walls.

𝑳𝑶𝑵𝑮 𝑳𝑰𝑽𝑬 || 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒚 𝒋𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒙 𝒐𝒄Where stories live. Discover now