♦ Chapter 2 ♦

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"For now, however..." Lyney stuffs the prediction card back into his hat. "...the show must go on."

He flips his hat around, spinning it on the tip of his finger like a basketball. Showing the audience that it is empty, he says, "You all may have already witnessed the magic this top hat holds." Fixing it back onto his head, he smiles and looks around. "So, it is completely understandable if you are no longer amused by its tricks. However..." Lyney throws it high up in the air, where it suspends itself and releases multiple doves. "...I can guarantee you haven't seen anything like this."

He winks and steps onto the tabletop, then bows grandly with one foot in front of the other. Suddenly, a long cascade of playing cards from the hat begins to shower him, eventually completely covering him. After it is finished, the audience gasps as Lyney is no longer on the table. The room is filled with laughs and applause, including from you.

The hat falls back down on the table, landing upside down, and Lynette steps out of the hat. She bows as the audience continues to clap. She picks up Lyney's hat, shaking out a few cards and doves as the audience watches in anticipation. After closing an eye and dramatically squinting inside the hat, Lynette sets it back on the ground right side up. She places her fingers around the crown of the top hat, positioning them to be perfect. Then, she slowly raises the hat to reveal that Lyney was underneath it all along.

Everyone, including yourself, is amazed. "Well?" He holds his arms out at his sides in a grand pose. "Was it up to your expectations?" He smiles and holds Lynette's hand as they bow in unison.

You see Lynette lean over and whisper something to her brother.

"Ah," he clicks his tongue. "Right! Before you all go about your day, it's time to reveal the lucky winner of my miniature playing card lotto!" He takes off his hat and takes out the card.

"So, do you think you have what it takes? To have the gods look down upon you, to have them favor you for this one special little moment?"

He looks at the card, then flips it around, holding it with his pointer and middle finger, to show the audience. It gleams under the stage lights. "The card I have is a black cat..." You're holding your breath. "...and it has a little star for an eye." Your heart sinks.

The crowd goes silent, a soft murmur traveling around the room. Suddenly, a young woman stands up excitedly, shouting to the stage. "I have it!" She waves it around in the air. Lyney tilts his head, appearing confused for a brief moment, before putting on a wide smile.

"A-ha! It seems this lucky lady over here has won!" The audience begins to cheer. "Oh, but what's this?" The audience slowly stops clapping. "There are two cards! What a turn of events! It seems another audience member is getting lucky today!"

Lyney flicks the original card to reveal the second card behind it. "Let's see here...if you have...oh, what a coincidence! Also a black cat! This time, however, it has a teardrop for an eye!" He turns to Lynette as the crowd begins to whisper once again. "Isn't that sweet? Matching cats!"

You can't believe it. You thought the chance had slipped out of your fingers, but it was in the palm of your hands all along. You rapidly stand up, almost losing your balance, and hold up the card. "Lyney!" You exhale. "I have the card!"

Lyney smiles with his eyes closed. "Congratulations! This lucky audience member here has won, as well! Please, come onto the stage and allow me to grant you a gift."

You and the young woman make your way to stage excitedly as Lyney takes off his hat and reaches inside. "Let's see...hmm..." He looks at you. "What is befitting of these two very lucky individuals?" His face suddenly lights up as he pulls out a plushie of the cat that was on the card. Instead of an eye, it's embedded with a star-shaped jewel. "Woah, isn't this cute?" The crowd claps as he hands the young woman the plushie. Lyney pulls out a similar cat, but with a teardrop gem instead. He places it in your hands, grasping them as he winks at you.

Then, he turns to the crowd. "Let's give a round of applause to our two lottery winners! Please, cherish your gifts as best you can. And with that, folks..." He stands by Lynette and they bow. "Good night!"

You smile and hug your plush, walking back to your seat. What were the chances that Lyney had chosen two people instead of one? Or...was it all meant to be?

You notice that there was something else apart from the plushie. A small business card with Lyney's signature top hat that read, The Greatest Magician in all Teyvat: Come watch and be amazed! You flip it over and see that there was something written on the back in cursive. Aftershow; 12:00. You turn around to see Lyney, but he and his sister have already left.

As you leave the building, you look at the business card.

Aftershow? You think. At such a late hour? You walk silently, your eyebrows furrowed. Is someone playing a trick on me? Bad outcomes start to flood your mind. You're scared to find out...but as they say, curiosity killed the cat.

The streets of Fontaine are silent. Streetlights are on, illuminating your path to the place where Lyney held his show earlier today. Your heart is beating. Is the building even open? Walking up to the door, you turn the handle, and it opens.

The room is eerily quiet, and the stage is dark. Looking around for a light switch, you feel a light tap on your shoulder. You whip around, but no one is there. You're starting to get a little spooked.

Finally, you find the light switch. The table from tonight's show is still on the stage. You walk over to it, and see a playing card lying on top. It reads, Backstage is where all the true magic happens. You feel nervous. This must be Lyney's doing.

You step off the stage and go to the room behind it, where you find Lyney whistling and organizing props. He hears your footsteps and turns around, his face instantly lighting up. "Y/n! What a pleasure it is to see you."

You walk over to him slowly. "Was it you who asked me to come here?"

He laughs. "Indeed. Who else could it have been?" He leans on a box behind him. "Oh, well, I suppose it could have been my dear sister, but she isn't quite so fond of people." Lyney takes your hands once again and looks into your eyes with excitement. "I'm so glad you decided to come see me," he says, grinning.

You feel your face flush as you look away nervously. "Um," you start. "So..." Lyney tilts his head. "What did you want me here for, anyway?"

Lyney lets go of your hands. "Hm? Isn't it obvious?" He pretends to be shy as he looks down and fiddles with his hands. He meets your eyes without facing up.

"I'm interested in you."

〖 Love is an Illusion  〗➻❥ LYNEY × READERWhere stories live. Discover now