♦ Chapter 25 ♦

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author's note
tysm all for 5k reads i didn't believe this would explode so tremendously lol
enjoy the FINAL ACT... i made it longer :D ヽ(' ∇'

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"You're going to tell me everything," you snarl.

Felicity glares at you. She takes a deep breath before closing her eyes and placing her teaspoon on the edge of her teacup. She doesn't say anything for a good twenty seconds, but when she does, her voice has completely changed. From the sweet and soothing motherly voice she once had to a bland yet dark mutter.

"It seems you're fixed on pushing me to my limits," Felicity murmurs. She lets her knife-like eyes skewer your face, picking apart each little crease and crevice. "I've done my level best to provide you with everything I know about your mother."

"Really?" You ask, doubtingly. "Because it feels like I've been telling you more about myself than you've been telling me about my mother."

You watch her face as her eye twitches in annoyance.

She's so close to her breaking point... I just need to pry a little bit further.

"My apologies if it has seemed that way," Felicity says. "You want the truth?" She leans back onto her chair and crosses her arms. "Then I'll give you the truth.

"I initially approached you because I recognized you. You seemed...familiar to me, and I couldn't figure out why. I had seen you around the city, but never had a reason to speak to you until that day.

"The day you were upset. When I approached you, I could feel the realization nearing. It wasn't until you mentioned your mother that it came to me. That you are her child."

She uncrosses her arms and rests them on her lap, softening her piercing gaze. Her voice returns to what it was before. "I wanted to reconnect with you. I had lost contact with your father since your mother passed away, and was longing for some sort of...anything, really, that would remind me of her."

"And I was that object?" You scoff.

"Object?" Felicity gasps. "No, you misunderstand. I've known you since you were born." She gives you a wide smile, but without her eyes. "You're like my own child to me."

At this phrase, shivers run up your spine.

"...Do you have children of your own?" You ask quietly.

"No," Felicity responds. "I did have a child once, for about a year..." She trails off, staring blankly at the table. You watch as she shakes her head and smiles at you. "Anyway, dear...what was I saying? Oh, yes...

"I never had any ill intentions for speaking with you. Please forgive me if I allowed myself to get distracted and inquire about your own life."

You sigh softly and shift in your seat. She's a tough nut to crack. You lean over the side of your chair, pull something out of your satchel, and place it on the table face-up.

Felicity leans forward to get a closer look at the item. Once she realizes what it is, however, she suddenly scoots back.

You point to the spot on the glass frame under which your younger self smiles. "This is me." You then trail your finger across the glass until it reaches the face of Felicity, albeit much younger; perhaps about twenty. "And this..."

You look up at the woman, who is breathing heavily with a crinkled face. "...is you." You retreat your hand and cross your arms, raising an eyebrow at the clearly irked woman before you. She doesn't reply.

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