♦ Chapter 22 ♦

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Perhaps the girl was being a bit dramatic.

Her father, she realized, was only trying to protect her. Growing up, she saw that she truly had no talent for magic. But she still disagreed with his way of telling her so.

Seeing her best friend in a joyous marriage changed a lot for Felicity. Seeing her at the wedding altar smiling wider than any of the times they had spent together hurt, but it was clarity. I suppose she understood why it's important to let people go when it's their time.


Let go?

Oh, y/n. My clumsy sunshine. Let me put it this way.

When a caterpillar enters her cocoon, she's not hiding, nor is she going away forever. She's simply entering a new phase of her life, a life which she may or may not realize is very, very short.

Those who miss her old form, the caterpillar, come to see she is happier as a butterfly. Those who miss her old form come to see that, because she is happier as a butterfly, she has the right to stay as a butterfly.

And no one can take that away from her.

Sprawled across your bed, you press your face into a teardrop-eyed cat plushie and continue to sob. For the third day in a row, you've spent your hours lying down and feeling sorry for yourself.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why can't I just be normal? People come and go in my life, but it's completely my fault...why am I like this? Why?

You bury your face into the stuffed animal, trying to take deep breaths. Why me?

Suddenly, a knock comes from the front door. Hoping with all your heart it's a certain affable magician, you spring off the mattress and knock a floor lamp to the ground as you run to answer the door.

A familiar voice calls from outside. "Y/n! Are you home?"

But to your slight disappointment, it's your father's. You open the door without realizing your nose and eyes are red from crying and your hair is soaked with tears.

He gasps at the sight of you. "Y/n, what happened?" You let him in the house, but you don't respond to his question and instead just shake your head solemnly. He sighs heavily, looking at you for a few seconds, before holding out his arms to you.

Once again, that feeling of nostalgia washes over your entire body. What a powerful emotion, you think, as you feel yourself moving to your father and into the bear hug.

"Just let it out," he says, holding your head. "I'm here."

A sudden pang goes through your heart like an arrow shooting through a glass orb. Like the fragments of glass, you let your emotions out as you begin to sob even harder. This lasts for a few minutes before you sniffle one last time. Your father motions for you to sit on the couch with him.

"T-Thanks," you eventually whisper. "I needed that."

"Of course," your father replies. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Do I want to talk about it?

You remember all the times Lyney had asked you the same question. When you declined, things always fell apart. So you nod and begin to tell your father what happened with Lyney.

"That doesn't sound very characteristic of you two," he comments after you finish speaking. "I saw it with my own eyes; you were in love."

"He says he loves me," you murmur whilst fiddling with your thumbs.

Your father turns to face you with shock in his eyes. "Then what's the problem?"

"I just don't believe him..." You look down as tears begin to form again. "...but I want more than anything in the world to."

Your father stares at you for a while.

"...More than finding out what happened to your mother?"

You stop fiddling with your thumbs and stare at the coffee table, eyes shaking. You begin to reminisce on your time with Lyney; the way he made you feel, laugh, cry... in the end, you find more tears escaping your eyes, and the answer to your father's question.


For a while, your father stays silent. But eventually, he slaps his knees and stands up.

"Well, then," he sighs. "Let's go."

You look up at him. "What? Where?"

Your father only smiles.

"To find that belief."

Pacing through Fontaine in the dark, you and your father make your way to Lyney's home.

"Do you want me to be there when you see him?" He asks.

You shake your head. "If you don't mind leaving...that would be nice."

"Got it," he whispers, looking back forward.

You continue your trek until you finally reach the magician's abode. Upon approaching the doorstep, your father pats you on the back and walks away.

Breathing deeply, you approach the door and are about to ring the doorbell when you see the door is unlocked and slightly ajar.

〖 Love is an Illusion  〗➻❥ LYNEY × READERWhere stories live. Discover now