♦ Chapter 20 ♦

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Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.

What could be taking her so long?

Felicity gripped the handles of her bookbag and looked around worriedly. For the first time, her best friend was late to their nightly meetings. She began to search for her, but after twenty minutes, she concluded that she wasn't going to show up.

Ugh. It must be that stupid boyfriend of hers, Felicity thought. Who else?

The man who had swept her best friend off her feet and whisked her away from all the fun they used to have and the fun they could've had.

Scoffing, Felicity sat down at a bench and crossed her legs, tapping her fingers angrily. Eventually, she got fed up.

"You know what? I'll show him. I'll show him the greatest magic trick."

Felicity stood up with a determined look on her face.

She disappeared from my life...

...so I'll make her disappear from yours.

Taking another stroll through Fontaine, you take a deep breath and enjoy the smell of the morning dew. All of a sudden, you spot a familiar figure in the corner of your eye. You wave to the magician, but he continues walking down the street, causing you to feel a tang in your heart.

Maybe he didn't see me...

You try to keep up with his quick pace, but the faster you walk, the farther away he gets. You feel immensely hurt. What did I do wrong?

Meanwhile, Lyney is briskly walking through Fontaine, hurrying to Lynette. He had promised to buy her a few desserts, and was already late. Oh, I hope she's not mad...

⟨ Two Days Ago... ⟩



Lyney reached for his phone over the cluttered backstage. A strange text from an anonymous sender appeared in his messages.

"...what they really think of me?"

He looked at his phone with disapproval and shut it off before tossing it back on the box where it was previously laying. Luckily for him, he knew of the sender's ill intentions, and shrugged the message off.

You, on the other hand, were lying awake, letting Felicity's words seep into your mind.

⟨ Present ⟩

You find yourself following Lyney. You hate to question his integrity, and you don't want to admit it, but Felicity's strong words made your trust in him falter just a little bit. You follow Lyney all the way to a little bakery, where he sits down next to Lynette. You sigh out of relief, but decide to keep watching the magician.

There are a few people who approach Lyney to ask for his number, but he kindly smiles and rejects them.

God, what is wrong with me? You think, mentally facepalming. I'm such a horrible partner...

Suddenly, you hear footsteps approaching, so you quickly turn the corner from the window where you were standing and hide behind a large potted plant. Lyney and Lynette pass by the pot, chatting vaguely. Breathing heavily, you make sure they're gone before exiting the scene.

Speed-walking in the other direction, you sigh. The rollercoaster of emotions you've ridden throughout the past week is giving you a major headache. As you approach the doorstep of your home, however, you stop dead in your tracks upon seeing who is waiting for you.


"Y/n," he says softly, walking up to you.

"What are you doing here?"

"Can we go inside?" Lyney looks at you with a serious expression. "I'd like to talk."

〖 Love is an Illusion  〗➻❥ LYNEY × READERWhere stories live. Discover now