♦ Chapter 15 ♦

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A girl sat at the longer side of a very long dinner table. At one end sat her mother, eating her breakfast, and at the other end sat her father, eating his breakfast. But the girl simply sat between them and poked at her plate.

"Don't be picky, Felicity," her mother commented. "No one likes a picky eater."

The girl huffed and stuffed the last bite of a flaky croissant into her mouth, chewing loudly and obscenely for her mother to see and hear. She gulped the food down and pushed the plate forward. "Can I be excused...?"

"No," her father said. His voice, although at its normal volume, bellowed throughout the dining room. "We need to have a discussion."

The girl, despite her prior confidence, felt scared and intimidated in this moment. Perhaps he had heard her slam the door? Or cry for hours? Or curse?

The man delicately wiped his mouth before placing his utensils at the edge of his plate. "Your mother and I have been thinking." He shot daggers with his eyes at his daughter. "You must stop practicing magic."

"What!?" The girl exclaimed, standing up.

"Sit down, Felicity," her mother said calmly.

The girl complied, but was still upset. "No!"

"Your interest in magic has been hindering your progress in school," her father said. "If you don't stop, you'll be expelled."

"How would you know I'm failing school?" The girl asked smugly, crossing her arms and pointing her nose up.

A short silence filled the dining room before her mother cleared her throat.

"You're homeschooled, Felicity."

The girl's arms fell back down to her sides as she slouched down in her chair. Her father stood up slowly and leaned his hands on the table.

"We are taking away your supplies..."

The girl whined and groaned and kicked her feet. As childish as she appeared, however, this was a big deal to her. Magic had been her only pastime since she was practically born; take it away, and...what is she?

"...Felicity." The man stood up straight and looked the little girl in the big, bright eyes. He rarely ever called her by her name. "You must understand that you have no talent for magic."

The girl immediately stopped whining and looked at her father, hurt, and her mother looked up from her plate with worry.

"Dear, isn't that going a bit too-"

"You will never be a magician."

Something inside the girl snapped. She stood up abruptly and ran out of the room. But tears didn't fall. They didn't even form. Her face remained completely blank as she escaped the cell.

Her mother looked disapprovingly at her father.

"...A bit too far."

〖 Love is an Illusion  〗➻❥ LYNEY × READERWhere stories live. Discover now