♦ Chapter 19 ♦

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Running faster than ever before, the girl watched the moon pass with a goodbye. She watched the sun rise and shine in greeting of the morning. For so long, she ran. And the pitter and patter of the girl's feet became the confident treading across campus of a new and young woman. She, too, was named Felicity.

She kept walking until she arrived at the meeting point. The campus was almost completely empty after dark. Another woman of similar age soon approached her, waving wildly. The streetlights illuminated their frequent get-togethers.

"L/n!" Felicity exclaimed. "You ready?"

"Always," the woman laughed.

The two made their way to a convenience store, which stood alone in the night, lights flickering. There, they bought snacks and chatted the night away. The store's chilling ambience had no effect on the friends; they were simply too carefree.

"We were practically inseparable."

You watch as Felicity reminisces on those days, her pupils dilating. "She was so...carefree. The most nerve-racking exam couldn't hold a candle to her serenity. We'd often go out to eat after her night classes, laughing the night away, haha." She sighs, her voice shaking. "...I miss her."

Hold on a minute.

"She was my best friend," Felicity adds. "But then something in her changed. She seemed...distant. I didn't know what I was doing wrong. We had our arguments, but this had happened out of nowhere." Felicity looks back down at you. "Then it came to me. Her new boyfriend..."

She leans forward and stares into your eyes. "...your father."

I'm getting déjà vu.

"Ever since your mother started dating him, it was like he had planted something in her brain, something to keep her away from not only me, but everyone she had ever known. She gradually stopped hanging out with me, and I saw her less and less around campus."

She smiles at you. "I knew it wasn't her fault. She hadn't done anything but looked for love."

Swallowing nervously, you whisper, "So...what did you do?"

"Do?" Felicity's eyes widen. "I..."

She looks down. "...I didn't do anything. I watched her drift away from me...from us. It's one of my biggest regrets."


A long wave of quietude washes over the two of you. You listen as the bustle of midday Fontaine fills the awkward silence.

So she didn't break them up, and it was just my dream. But if that's the case...that doesn't explain why my father is so angry with her; and so...cautious.

After a while, Felicity sniffles, effectively breaking the silence. You look up at her as she wipes a tear.

"My apologies," she whispers.

"No, no, I'm the one who should be sorry. It was my father, wasn't it?"

"Even so, dear...it's not your fault, and it never was." Felicity wipes her eyes once more. "And I don't blame your father, either; he never meant to take her away. It only happened inherently."

You look at the floor, eyes flitting. "But...why is he so resentful?"


"He really didn't want me to talk to you."

Felicity's eyes become daggers again. "Is that so?" She clasps her hands. "Maybe he is simply trying to keep me from telling you what he's done."

What he's done...? You think hastily. What could he be keeping from me? The thought already entered your mind, but you refused to admit it.

"Of course, I've already told you about his past with your mother in college," Felicity says. "Perhaps you should ask him about his side of the story." She smiles and stands up slowly.

"It was nice speaking with you again."

You watch as she leaves the café.

Later, in your bed, you lie awake and stare at the ceiling, thinking about her words.

His side of the story...

Could it really be any different from Felicity's side?

〖 Love is an Illusion  〗➻❥ LYNEY × READERWhere stories live. Discover now