♦ Chapter 13 ♦

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"You're not ready." 

A tall, intimidating man stood above a smaller child, the blue eyes of whom were filled to the brim with tears. His voice echoed in the vast darkness and emptiness of the room.

"No!" She cried. "You always say I'm not ready, but I am! See, watch!"  

With shaky hands, the girl pulled out a deck of playing cards from the pocket of her puffer jacket and began to shuffle them. As she swiftly folded one over the other, however, she lost her grip and the cards fell out of her hands and onto the floor. 

"No..." she cried, collapsing to the ground. The man above her scoffed and turned around to leave. The girl pleaded for him to come back, to see that her mistake was of simple nervousness, and that she was indeed ready for the job. "Please..." 

"Return when you've gained your composure," the man boomed, halfway through the door. "But right now..." He looked back at the girl's messy state with distaste. "...You've only made a fool of yourself." 

The girl's sobs continued as the man slammed the door, leaving her alone with her cries to echo in the chamber. She hastily picked up the cards and fumbled with them until they sank back to the floor; over and over and over. Soon, the girl's tears formed a small puddle on the cold marble, and she cried herself to sleep, letting her silver hair and playing cards soak in its salt for the rest of the night.

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The girl, now much older, sits peacefully at an outdoor table, stirring a cup of warm tea. She eyes a couple over the stone railings of Fontaine, watching them sit by the fountain and happily chat. 

"Tell me, child, do you know what awaits you? Have you looked into the scrying glass of fate itself?" She whispers.  

The couple smiles and laughs, unaware of her sharp gaze. 

"...Evidently not," the woman sighs. She takes a slow sip of her drink. "I suppose, in time, you will realize just how deceiving a magician will get." 

Meanwhile, you and Lyney sit by the grand fountain, enjoying each others company. Suddenly, however, Lyney shivers as a familiar chill is sent running up his spine. He looks around, but no one is there. 

"Are you okay?" You ask. Lyney looks back at you and wearily smiles. 

"Nothing, it's just..." He places his hands by his thighs on the edge of the fountain. "I felt someone staring at us." 

"Creepy..." You hold your arms and shiver. 

Later that afternoon, you lie on your bed, staring at the ceiling and restlessly tapping your fingers. What still bothers you is the mystery enshrouding your mother. Your weak attempt to push it aside remains in vain as you sit here, worrying endlessly about it. Perhaps it was an attempt at coping, or simply hiding from the reality you didn't want to face. But it reached you nevertheless. Who killed her? 

〖 Love is an Illusion  〗➻❥ LYNEY × READERWhere stories live. Discover now