♦ Chapter 21 ♦

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"...to love and to cherish..."

Felicity stared at the altar.

"...till death do us part."

She wanted it so much.

"...to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

To have her back.

"I do."

For things to go back to the way they were.

"...to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

But once again, she fumbled the playing cards.

"I do."

What she swore to do three years ago ended in embarrassing failure. Not because someone else foiled her plans, but because she had foiled them herself.

The crowd began to clap for the newlyweds at the altar. The man swept his bride off her feet, pressing his lips into hers. Felicity, too, applauded them as a subtle tear fell down her cheek. Everyone else at the wedding, however, assumed it was a tear of joy.

After all, who was she to take happiness from someone who deserved it?

"You can't hide much from me, can you, y/n?" Lyney asks, holding your face once the two of you are inside the house.

Your eyes dart between his. You feel Felicity's words resonate within you, mixing themselves with your emotions...ready to take over.

Is the tea prepared? No?

It's okay. Just follow these simple instructions.

"No...I can't," you whisper, looking him straight in the eye. "I bet you can, though."

"What?" Lyney looks taken aback. He lets go of your face, but keeps a close distance.

"You know why I fell for you, Lyney? Hmm?"

Pour the water in the kettle.

Lyney stays silent, not knowing what's going on or what to say.

"I fell for your charisma, magic man. I fell for the way you looked at me, a fragment of the crowd, as if you could single me out in a heartbeat."

"I can," he whispers.

"Is that right? Or am I just another drop in the river?" You mockingly ask.

Cover the kettle and place it on high heat.

"No..." Lyney takes a step toward you, but you step backward. "No, y/n. What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you, 'mon ange'!" You say a little bit louder, making air quotes for the last two words. "You're a trickster; did you really think you could keep me in the dark for that long?"

"In the dark? About what?" Lyney asks worriedly. "Is this about Felicity?"

You stop for a brief moment before shaking your head. "This has nothing to do with Felicity."

"It does," Lyney whispers. "Did she say something about me? That I don't love you?" He takes another step towards you. You don't stumble backwards this time, but instead look away. "Because it's not true," he says.

He reaches out. "We've established this, y/n. My heart belongs to you. Truly."

Let it boil.

You turn around to face Lyney and softly push his hand away. He looks hurt. "Isn't it like you told me?" You ask. "The face you have on stage is just a mask. Not the real you."

"The performance I give to an audience is unrelated to my love for you," Lyney says, crossing his arms. "You're not just a part of the audience. You're mine."

He softens his gaze. "Do you really believe that I don't love you?"

...Do you really believe that a trickster like him could ever feel true love?...

"...I do." I said this so confidently. But it was blind confidence.

You look Lyney straight in the eyes with an unwavering expression. He stares back with only hearts for eyes. "...That's right," you finally whisper, your eyebrows furrowing.

Lyney looks like his heart has been shattered into a million pieces. He looks at you for a few seconds before finally saying something.

"Well, you're wrong, y/n." He looks defeated, but still pries. "How can I get you to believe the truth?"

When the kettle begins to shriek, pour its water into a mug.

You begin to giggle. It escalates as you hunch over in a fit of maniacal laughter. "Your facade is over, you don't have to pretend anymore!" You're on the verge of tears, yet still laughing hysterically. You push your hair out of your face and look back at the magician, who longs to comfort you in your distressed state.

"Why are you still here? So you can manipulate me, just like you manipulate your audience? So you can trick me, not only like you trick their eyes, but my heart, too?"

Put in a teabag and let it seep.

"Y/n," Lyney says softly. He takes a step forward and pulls you into a tight hug. You try to escape the embrace, but his grip is too strong. After a while, he lets go and looks at you. "I understand you're feeling confused, but the answer you've been looking for is right in front of you." His breathing is slow. "I love you."

He then turns to leave. "...I'll let you sort the rest out."

The door closes softly, and you're left standing there on the soft carpet. Lyney takes a deep breath and begins to walk, small tears beginning to form in his eyes. He walks faster as he bats them away.

Now, enjoy your drink.

〖 Love is an Illusion  〗➻❥ LYNEY × READERWhere stories live. Discover now