♦ Chapter 8 ♦

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"Is there anything bothering you, recently?" Lyney kicks a small pebble as the two of you stroll through the garden.

 "No," you lie. "What do you mean?"

He looks at you with a smile. "You can tell me the truth."

You return his smile, although not very well. "Really, Lyney, I'm okay."

Lyney stops in his tracks, his eyebrows expressing worry. "Y/n," he says softly, "I want you to feel comfortable with me."

"I do," you whisper. He takes a step towards you, your heart beating through your chest. Lyney looks at you for a moment, brushing your hair behind your ear and away from your face.

"Then can you tell me your troubles?"

His amethyst eyes pierce you a certain way. You feel vulnerable...but safe. Your heart opens within his comfort as you let him know about your father and his story. He listens to every word intently and wipes the tears from your face when you finish, kissing the spots that were wet.

"Mon ange..." Lyney whispers. "Do you feel better now?"

You nod truthfully. You had never realized how expressing your feelings helps you come to term with your emotions.

Lyney holds your hands and places his lips over them. "How about this?" He says, winking. "Let's go to your house and bake something together." 

"Bake something?" You giggle.

"Trust me, it'll help. Come on," he laughs with you. 

You fail to see how baking will lift your mood, but you lead him back to your house, anyway. Stepping within the walls of your home, a familiar smell envelopes you as Lyney looks around curiously.

"The kitchen is over here," you say. He follows you into the kitchen as you lean back on the counter. "What are we making, magic man?"

Lyney puts his finger on his lips and tilts his head in thought. "How about something from your childhood? Do you remember anything?"

"Ah..." You exhale. Nothing immediately comes to mind. You try your best to think of your childhood, but everything remains a blur. All of a sudden, you hear a vaguely familiar voice in your head as your kitchen fades into another scene...

"Go, go!" A smooth, melodic voice fills the air. Its owner spins around in the grass, her long, auburn hair waving around in the wind.

On her shoulders sits a young child, only just out of kindergarten. The two laugh and twirl in the sun without a care in the world.

They walk down the street, pointing at lace dresses and freshly-baked bread in the store windows.

They create messes in the kitchen, snacking on raw cookie dough and whipped cream. You can feel the woman's warmth right in the center of your heart...

Coming back to reality, you realize a few tears have escaped your eyes. Lyney is startled, but quickly holds your face, concerned.

"Y/n," he says. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made you think of your childhood."

"No, it's alright." You whisper, faintly smiling at him. "It gave me an idea."

"Ah, did it say to put vanilla with the eggs?" Lyney reads over the recipe paper while you fold a fluffy white mixture in its mixing bowl. As he scratches the back of his head, you place a dollop of the fluff onto his nose, catching him off-guard.

You laugh as he wipes it off, smiling at you. He swipes another dollop and presses it onto your lips as the both of you laugh.

Lyney suddenly leans forward and kisses you, making sure to clean the mess.

At this moment, something inside you had grown so immensely it was impossible to ignore. 

So as much as you refused to admit it, you were falling in love.

Meanwhile, a shadowed figure steps off the aquabus, looking around in astonishment at the new city before her.

"Wow," she huffs. "So this is Fontaine, huh?" A man in a business suit helps her carry luggage as the two make their way down the quiet nighttime streets of Fontaine. The figure smiles to herself.

 "Let's pay them a visit."

〖 Love is an Illusion  〗➻❥ LYNEY × READERWhere stories live. Discover now