♦ Chapter 23 ♦

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You turn to look at your father, who is resting against the stone handrails and watching people pass under the bridge.


I have to see him alone.

You turn back around and take a deep breath before slowly pushing the door open with one hand. It creaks as you enter the foyer. Your other hand is clenched tightly near your heart.


Suddenly, you bump into a small figure, who falls to the floor with a loud thud and a quiet, "ouch". Frightened, you shriek and instinctively cover yourself. But a few seconds pass before you realize the figure is not a threat, but simply Freminet.

"Oh, no, I'm so sorry," you gasp, holding out a hand to him. He takes it, gripping his head.

"It's okay..." Freminet brushes himself off. "W-What are you doing here? How did you get in?"

"Um, the...the door was open. I guess you weren't aware," you mutter. He looks behind you and sees the open door.

"Oh...I must have accidentally left it open..."

An awkward silence fills the room. Luckily, Freminet pipes up again.

"Are you looking for Lyney?" He asks. The mention of Lyney makes your head perk up. "He's not here right now, and he didn't tell me where he was going...sorry."

"Ah, it's okay," you say, waving your hands. "Is Lynette with him?"

Freminet shakes his head. "Weirdly enough..." He gestures towards the hallway. "...she's in her room. I haven't seen them separated in years."

"I see...well, thanks." You turn to leave, but before exiting, you turn back. "And it was nice to meet you, Freminet."

"Oh, y-you too!" He gives a small wave as you shut the door. Sighing heavily, he rubs the spot on his head where he fell.

You walk up to your father and tap him on the shoulder. He quickly turns around.

"Oh, you're back. How did it go?" He looks around. "Where's Lyney?"

"He wasn't home," you exhale, placing your hands on your hips. "I thought he might be practicing for a show, but Lynette isn't with him. It makes me a little worried."

"Don't worry too hard," your father suggests. "I'm sure he's...somewhere."

"Thanks," you scoff, rolling your eyes. Looking around to the rest of the city, you feel your eyebrows furrow as the wind presses against your face.

"Where are you, Lyney...?"

A certain magician pulls back a chair at Café Lucerne and sits down calmly. Across from him is a poised yet eerie woman who wished all her life to become what he is; but the universe simply had other plans for her. She sips her tea, keeping eye contact with him.

"What do you want?" Lyney asks.

"I just wanted to speak with you about y/n."

"If you're trying to break us apart, forget it." His amethyst eyes pierce her as she sits unfazed, crossing her legs.

"That is not my intention," Felicity whispers. "But if it ensues as collateral damage, then so be it."

Lyney crosses his arms and glares at her. "Then what is your intention?"

"To warn y/n."

"Of what, may I ask?"

"What do you think?" Felicity mirrors his expression.

"You don't know anything about us," Lyney says.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were a magician," Felicity laughs. She stirs what little tea she has left in her cup. "Always playing tricks, stealing hearts, leaving satisfied. But what do you leave behind? Oh, but an empty soul."

"Read my lips, Felicity." Lyney speaks slowly with a scowl on his face. "I love y/n." He crosses his arms. "And there's nothing you can do to change that."

"Is that so? I beg to differ," Felicity scoffs. "In fact, they're already quite sure of the opposite."

Lyney stands up, sighing. "On the surface, perhaps. But of course, you of all people should know there's more to it; more than meets the eye." He looks down at her with a smile on his face before leaving her alone at the table.

Meanwhile, you and your father are still scouring Fontaine for Lyney. Your initial concern became uneasiness, and is now approaching panic. Your breath is heavy and your movements are frantic as you turn the city upside down and shake it, hoping that he'll once again appear before your eyes in a fantastic act of magic.

Eventually, you begin to tire. Your breathing is still heavy, but slower. Your movements are weary and on the brink of collapse.

"You can't give up now," your father encourages. "We've only been searching for..." He checks his watch. "...two hours!"

You don't respond to his toxic positivity. Sitting down at a bench, you lean forward onto your legs and let your head hang low. "Damn it..." You pull your hair out of your face and lean back. "I can't leave him on that note..."

Your father sits down with you. "What do you mean?"

"I told him I thought he didn't love me," you groan. "I can't erase his face from my mind when I said that."

"Cheer up," your father says, patting you on the back. "I know he loves you. I know he knows it, and I know you know it, too."

You smile at him as you struggle to respond. "...Thanks."

You and your father continue to sit on the bench, watching as strangers pass by on the street. Some are busy, hastily walking to wherever their destination is. Others are simply taking a stroll as they breathe deeply and take in the sight of beautiful Fontaine. But none of them are the person you want to see.

The person who knows you. Perhaps even more than you know yourself. The person into whom you poured your heart, and he gave you all of his in return. The person who would hold special magic shows just for you when you were feeling down; fabricating the prettiest flowers out of nowhere and offering them to you with the biggest grin on his face.

Lyney. Lyney, Lyney, Lyney, Lyney, Lyney.

Lyney, Lyney, Lyney, Lyney, Lyney, Lyney, Lyney.

What am I doing? This is so stupid. I can't just keep saying his name and expect him to just appear in front of me.

You bring your feet to the bench and hug your legs, burying your face in your knees.

I've made my bed, and now, I guess I'll lie in it.

〖 Love is an Illusion  〗➻❥ LYNEY × READERWhere stories live. Discover now