♦ Chapter 4 ♦

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You lie in bed, staring at the ceiling. It seems you are unable to walk.

Sitting upwards, you ache and wince at the pain in your lower back. Your face is still slightly pink, and it gets heavier when you think about what happened last night. You didn't think someone as seemingly innocent as Lyney could be capable of such...ruin.

Eventually, you slide out of bed, your posture like that of a shrimp. You walk around aimlessly in your house; all you can think of is Lyney. How could you not, with his endlessly enthralling charm? But at the same time, you're scared of what the future holds for you. You're all too familiar with being played. Frowning, you look out the window.

After all, what is a magician if not an expert in stealing hearts?

The clock ticks statically as Lynette sits at the table, waiting for her brother patiently. She licks her finger and turns a page of The Steambird.

Lyney trudges into the kitchen in grey sweatpants, groggily rubbing his eye. He stops in his tracks when he sees Lynette.

"What were you doing last night?" Lynette asks, keeping her eyes on the paper. Lyney averts his eyes, and turns around in an attempt to escape the situation.


Lynette looks at him with a cold but caring gaze. Lyney sighs and turns back around, but still unable to look into his sister's eyes.

"Ah, Lynette, my dear sister." He fiddles with his fingers, looking around the room. "You see, I was simply taking a midnight stroll. Is that so uncommon?"

Lynette shakes her head. "That excuse might have worked on y/n, but it has no effect on me, brother."

Lyney sighs in defeat. After a few seconds of silence, he sheepishly says, "...I was...with y/n."

Lynette is silent for a while, until she closes the newspaper and places it gently on the table. "Are you aware of the situation you're in, Lyney?" She asks. "Notice any patterns?"

Lyney nods. "Yes, but—"

"No buts. You are currently on the same path." Her expression softens. "I can't bear to see you hurt like that again." 

Lyney looks down at his feet. "I appreciate your concern, Lynette, but really..." He looks up at her. "I can feel it...the connection is different, this time."

Lynette sighs once again, but not in disappointment. Lyney was always getting into mischief with uncommitted people and would end up hurt every single time. "I trust you know what you're doing, brother." She gets up and leaves the room, leaving Lyney to stand there, the clock continuing its undeviating rhythm.

⋆。 ゚︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆

Strolling around Fontaine, you take in the sights and enjoy the calm breeze and white noise of the busy streets, the faint sound of a waterfall filling the air.

You decide to visit the grand fountain in the middle of the city. It turns slowly, like clockwork. You peer over the edge and look at your reflection; a blank expression stares back. Then, you hear a soft voice emitting from seemingly nowhere and everywhere at once.

Turn back...peril awaits...

You look around, confused, but there's no one around you. Just you and your thoughts. You peer back over the reflection, but it's different now. Your eyes are a different shape. The corners of your mouth are turned down farther they would normally be able to. The water twists your features around in a messed up way, and you hear laughing.

Stop...turn back...

The face gets so distorted, you can barely see it...suddenly, it jumps out of the water and grabs your head.

Then you wake up, hyperventilating.

You look around your living room. You fell asleep on the couch. Breathing heavily, you realize it was a nightmare. But what could it mean? Dedicated to find out, you put on a thin sweater and leave your house, heading to the same fountain.

When you reach it, you see the same mechanical artwork turning slowly in the same way. You're afraid of seeing your reflection, but you muster up the courage and quickly lean over the edge of the fountain.

A nervous expression stares back. Luckily, though, it's yours.

Sighing in relief, you turn around and slide down to sit next to the fountain edge. You see mechs parked in their respective spots and Fontanians walking to and fro. Everyone seems so busy.  Looking up at the sky, you take in the sight of the moon. Beautiful...but it's so dark.

You hold your hand over your heart and close your eyes, thinking hard. The nightmare's reflection was so distorted I could barely see my own face...is that really what I think of myself? You stand up, brushing yourself off. Or is it...a premonition?

You walk back to your house, hugging your torso as the cold winds flow against your skin.

〖 Love is an Illusion  〗➻❥ LYNEY × READERWhere stories live. Discover now