♦ Intermission ♦

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"Favorite cookie?"


"Favorite cuisine?"

"Definitely Liyue."

"Worst haircut, go."

"Uh, bowlcut."

"Hahaha! I'll be sure to let Freminet know."

You and Lyney laugh with each other over the phone. He had called you out of the blue, asking you what your favorite movie was; and now, an hour later, the two of you are still asking each other questions about each other.

"Mmm, okay, my turn." You shift around on your bed. "How about...favorite magic trick?"

"Hmm...that's a difficult one. My favorite kind of magic is..." After a few seconds of silence, he replies with, "...love."

You smile and laugh.

"What?" He asks. "It's a real type of magic, is it not?"

You cross your legs. "I was thinking more literally, but I guess it still counts." You giggle.

"Well, I'm glad you think so too, y/n," Lyney laughs.

"Oh, on the topic of magic..." You say.


"...What does it mean to you?" You uncross your legs and lay onto your stomach. "I mean, deeper than just your job."

Lyney sighs, his breath making a krrshh sound through the phone call. "Uh, you are right, magic means more to me than just making a living. Let's see...

"Well, in the beginning, it actually was just my and Lynette's means of getting food into our bodies. But as we practiced over the years, it became less of a task and more of a hobby, of sorts. It's genuinely what I enjoy now.

"I've learned to make it a part of me, and not just on the outside. In a weird way..." He exhales. "...I'm grateful for it."

A couple of seconds pass by.

"Is that weird?" He asks.

"No, not at all," you say. "I think it's beautiful."

Lyney's words carry a hint of his smile in them. "Y/n, you truly understand me."

Your face flushes red. "I-Is that so? I'm glad," you stutter. "I feel the same way, though. You really listen to what I'm saying, you know? I'm lucky to have you."

Lyney chuckles softly. "As am I." Suddenly, a loud crash sounds from his side of the call.

"What was that?" You ask, concerned.

"I'm not sure, let me go check..." You hear shuffling from the phone. "Lynette? Freminet?"

"S-Sorry!" A younger voice pipes up. "Pers knocked over some stuff..."

"Ah, do you need help?"

"No, no...I'll clean it up..."

"Alright then, be careful," Lyney says. You hear a soft thank you in the background. "My apologies. Just a little accident."

"You're fine," you laugh. "Is...Is everyone alright back there?"


"Okay, that's good."

You hear him flop onto his bed. "So, is it my turn?"

"Yes it is," you say in a playfully arrogant voice. "Pray tell, what inquiry will you present upon Monarch y/n today?"

Lyney giggles. "I wanted to ask earlier; what is it about me that you find so captivating?"

A little shocked, you wait a few seconds to answer his question. "Well, let's see..." You exhale. "I love how you care so much about me. It's like a breath of fresh air, you know, after my childhood." Lyney makes a little sound of agreement.

"I also love how passionate you are about magic," you exclaim. "I love seeing you perform with such...emotion." A few seconds pass by. "And, I guess, I just find you pretty attractive."

"You guess?" Lyney asks, his voice raising at the end.

"Oh, I know," you laugh.

Lyney sighs deeply. "Y/n," he whispers. His sudden change of tone makes you slightly nervous.

"W-What is it?"

"I love you."

You laugh nervously. Even after all this time, he still finds a way to make your heart pound against your chest. "I love you, Lyney. More than you know."

"Words can't do it justice," he says. "But I'll try my best."

"What do you mean?"

"I love everything about you. Your intoxicating smile, your clumsy charisma, your supportive nature..." Lyney lists off a long inventory of your traits, leaving you holding your face in embarrassment. "...I love it all," he finally breathes.

"I'm..." You gather your wits. "...speechless." Laughing at yourself, you ask, "Is it all true?"

"Of course," Lyney says. "Who do you think I am? Someone to fall in love with just anyone? I have standards, you know."

You giggle. "Well, then, I'm glad I'm not just anyone."

"You're not." His voice beams. "You're everything to me."

˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗

author's note: hi loves

i want to make sure the story doesn't go off on any tangents from here, since it'll be more plot-driven than before, so i'll be taking a short hiatus to plan it out.

thank you so much for reading, and for your patience. it means so much to me.

see u later <3

𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯

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