♦ Chapter 3 ♦

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"Ngh—" You restrain your moan as Lyney slowly enters you. Your back arches slightly and your chin is in the air, your face melted with pleasure. Lyney leans forward and whispers in your ear, "You don't have to be so quiet..." He kisses your neck. "The entire place is empty."

He begins to slowly push inside you, each thrust releasing a moan from both you and Lyney. As you lie on your back, you cover your red face with your wrist. How did I even get here...?

⟨ Five minutes ago... ⟩

"I'm interested in you."

What? What was that?

You simply look at him, dumbfounded, your face bright pink.

Did I hear that correctly?

Lyney laughs wholeheartedly. "I don't know what I expected." He takes a step towards you. "But don't worry, I really mean it..." he trails off as he caresses your face, gazing into your eyes.

You can't do anything but gaze back in astonishment. Before you can process what he said, though, he leans forward and kisses you. As surprised as you are...you can't push him away.

Lyney brushes his lips against yours passionately, wrapping his arm around your head and softly embracing you. You put your palms on his face and close your eyes, enjoying the moment in its entirety. Lyney walks towards you until you hit a box at your waist. He separates his lips from yours for a moment, a trail of saliva bridging between, and looks into your eyes, which are still wide. He smiles, brushing your hair out of the way, before kissing you once again.

"Mmmph...Lyney..." Noises escape from your mouth as Lyney continues his french kiss, his tongue far down your throat. Suddenly, he pulls away and pushes you onto the box on your back. He looks you up and down, breathing heavily.

"Gods..." He exhales, his face red. "You're really something."

Lyney pulls off the sweats you so lazily put on and trails his finger along your inner thigh. He leans forward towards your face until the two of you are no more than a centimeter apart.

"Are you sure you want this?" He has a serious expression.

You sheepishly nod, unable to hide your embarrassment.

Lyney slowly puts his middle and ring finger inside you, a stifled whimper emitting from you. He slowly begins to increase the pace as you breath heavily, moaning with each touch.

⟨ Present ⟩

Another thrust from Lyney sends you into another dimension of pleasure. You attempt to cover your embarrassed face with your wrist, but he takes your hands and places them around his shoulders before grabbing your waist once again. You wrap your legs around him as he thrusts deeper each time.

"Hah..." Lyney breathes. He pulls out of you, observing your body as you lie there, your hair a mess and your skin sweaty. He pulls you up by the shoulders and kisses you deeply. Suddenly, though, you pull away and watch his stunned face as you push him onto his back on the floor.

"...I...wasn't done." You whisper above him, your breath heavy. His expression is surprised, but quickly returns to its normal state.

"Oh, hmm? Why don't you continue, then..." He completely takes his shorts off and you straddle his waist. You place your knees on the outside of his thighs, lowering yourself onto him slowly. "Ngh..." His noises are driving you crazy.

Eventually, you end up so low you're practically sitting on him. You look down at him, your hair falling delicately, his eyes staring deep into yours. At this moment, it's almost as if time has stopped. You start to move up and down on him, heavy breaths releasing from the both of you. Lyney holds your waist with one hand while the other lays over his forehead, his hair sprawled about the wooden floor. The air is humid and sticky; but you don't care.

You sit with your legs crossed, staring at Lyney as he gets dressed. He notices your gaze and smiles at you with his eyes closed, his face still hot with blood.

You feel your face start to warm up and look away. He walks over to you and helps you up. He kisses your hand, looking up at you and winking. "Shall I walk you home?"

Once the two of you reach your house, you turn around at the door and hold your hands behind your back. "Wanna come in?"

Lyney smiles softly and shakes his head. "Lynette and Freminet are definitely wondering about my absence by now." He leans forward and kisses you on the cheek. "Thank you for the offer."

You put your palm on the spot he kissed as he walks away, waving at you. When he's out of your sight, you quickly enter your house and slam the door behind you. Your face erupts as you hold your hands in front of it, and your mind races, leaving your thoughts jumbled.

Meanwhile, as much as he tries to hide it, Lyney's face is a deep shade of red; he covers his mouth, slightly trembling.

〖 Love is an Illusion  〗➻❥ LYNEY × READERWhere stories live. Discover now