♦ Chapter 11 ♦

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The uneasy feeling you got from the mysterious woman followed you to the next day where it continues to linger. She appeared to be an ordinary, middle-aged woman, but something felt off. Something about her felt...inhuman. The feeling follows you through the day as you pace across your house.

Eventually, you decide to stroll around Fontaine to calm down. As you step outside of your house, you take a deep breath; the fresh air that enters your lungs helps you organize your thoughts.

You walk to Café Lucerne and order a cup of coffee, sitting down at one of the tables. The wind brushes your hair and face softly as you slowly sip your drink. The woman from yesterday... Where have you seen her before?

As hard as you focus, however, nothing comes to mind.

Sighing, you finish your drink and stare at the empty mug. The little droplets of coffee pooling at the bottom swirl around in a mesmerizing pattern as you tilt the cup in different directions.

Meanwhile, Lyney is having a similar problem.

Throughout his and Lynette's performance, they felt a stare come from a particular audience member; and while they are usually used to being stared at, there was something unique about the woman's watch. Chilling and unsettling...it made their blood run cold. They felt that her eyes were capable of nothing but harm, stabbing and gashing those at whom she looked.

And so as the siblings sit quietly at the table eating dinner, they both wonder the same thing as you: who is that woman?

Still pacing around the city, your mind is bursting with incohesive, jumbled thoughts.

What about that woman makes her so familiar? And yet still so...alien?

You trace the images in your mind back to Lyney and Lynette's performance. The woman sat with one leg over the other, patiently waiting for the show to begin. Her thin, silver hair fell erratically down to her waist. Her soft, blue eyes glared like daggers at the stage. Her frail fingers hastily tapped her crossed arms over and over again; tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. It's like for every emotion she held, she reflected an opposite reaction. Or did she even have emotions at all?

Every once in a while, she would glance over at your father out of the corner of her eye. However, the two of you, entranced by the performance, failed to notice. Her eyes turned into slits as they glowered at the man sitting beside her. But the man never felt a thing.

Suddenly, whilst deep in thought, you bump into a briskly-walking figure and almost trip over. You quickly apologize, but time seems to slow as you watch the person ignore your apology and brush past you. Her messy, silver hair flows past your wide eyes and her heavy, irregular breaths flush into the cold air.

Seeing her so closely makes something in your mind snap. The thoughts that were once cluttered are now perfectly clear, almost as if read to you aloud.

You whip your head around and call to the woman. "Wait!"

But she doesn't wait. She doesn't even look back. She just continues to speed walk down the cement to wherever her destination might be.

〖 Love is an Illusion  〗➻❥ LYNEY × READERWhere stories live. Discover now