Chapter 2: Enter & Attack

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No One Pov:

After that day Robin wouldn't come out of his room. At first no one seem to notice or care. It was when the alarm went off when they felt that something is up.

Crime Alert: *Ring* *Ring*

Raven: Crime Alert

Cyborg: It seem that there are some robbers robbing are favorite pizza place

Starfire: No are favorite pizza

Beastboy: We need to stop them

Raven: Hey guys where Robin?

Cyborg: I'm not sure maybe he at the crime seen right now and need back up

Starfire: Then Lets go

*Time Skip*

They were able to stop the robbers and even got free pizza but the notice that Robin wasn't at the crime seen which is new for everyone.

Raven: Something wrong. Robin would never miss a crime alert

Starfire: Or the fighting of the crime

Cyborg: Maybe he in his room?

Beastboy: I can go check

With that Beastboy left. He headed to robin room and knock on the door.

*Knock* *Knock*

Beastboy: Robin you in there?


Beastboy: Robin?

Beastboy then try to open the door but he couldn't open it as if its lock. He then turn into a small bug and crawl under the door before turning back to normal.

When he wad in robin room he turn to see robin crying silently on his bed.

Beastboy: Robin? You ok there bro?

Beastboy walk up to robin and was about to touch his shoulder when Robin shoot out of his bed and attack Beastboy.

Beastboy tried to get away from robin but he couldn't. It wasn't until beastboy was black and blue when he was thrown out of Robin room. He then hit the glass wall and ended up falling out of the tower into the water once again.

When he headed back to the others everyone was shock to see beastboy skin wasn't green anymore but was black, purple, and red.

Starfire: Oh my gosh friend beastboy are you ok?

Beastboy: I am totally fine

With that beastboy past out on the floor right in front of his teammates.

*Time Skip*

Everyone was gather at the living room. Beastboy had finally woke up and told them what happen.

Beastboy: I don't know what happen. I was just checking on him but he just attack me like I was some criminal

Cyborg: Maybe I should go talk to him, I do have the keys to the door

Starfire: Please try friend cyborg

When Cyborg heard to Robin room and open the door he didn't see Robin at first.

Cyborg: Robin we need to have a talk about you attack my boy beastboy- Robin? Where did you go?

Cyborg look around the room but couldn't see robin. It was when he look up to see Robin jump right on him and attack him.

Everyone else had decided to gather outside of Robin room to see if they can hear anything. All they heard but Cyborg screaming and Robin hitting him.

When Cyborg open the door to leave everyone saw Cyborg get electric shock and he past out. Robin then kick the rest of Cyborg out of his room before shutting and locking the doors.

Raven: Maybe you try starfire?

Starfire: Oh umm friend Robin?

She knock on the door but all they heard was robin crying before he scream:


In the end everyone decided to leave Robin alone thinking that he maybe having a bad day and that he will come out of his room when he is ready but boy were they wrong.

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