Chapter 5: Its Me

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KidFlash Pov:

When Raven told me where Robin room was at, I ran to it ignoring the looks I got from the others.

When I got to the door I raise my fist to knock on the door but I hesitated.

Kidflash Mind: Should I even be doing this? I mean we use to be best friends but when we all went are own ways and I found him again we haven't been getting to much along.

Deep down I know I still care for him so I just hope that he feels the same way.

I knock on the door in hopes that he will open it for me. When I knock on the door I got silence. I decided to knock on it again but this time louder and still no answer.

Kidflash Mind: Is he a sleep? Ho he can't be its way to early for him to be asleep.

I decided to knock as fast as I could with my super speed and soon that did the trick.


Kidflash: Robin its me kidflash I just want to talk to you. Please open the door.

After that it wad silence again. I thought that maybe this was a bad idea but then I heard the door open. I look up to see his room was open and I ran inside before the door shut on me.

I turn to see Robin curl in a ball on his bed. I went to sit right next to him.

Kidflash: Robin you ok?


Kidflash: Sorry that was a stupid question. *sigh* Look I know we haven't been close as a lately but I worry about you man. You use to be my best friend and when the others told me that you haven't come out of your room in days I started feel worry. Please talk to me.

Robin: ....

Kidflash Mind: *sigh* it was worth a shot

That is when I heard Robin crying and I froze. I look at him and I saw tears appearing under his eyes. I ended up grabbing him and pulling him in my lap before hugging him.

He dig his head in my chest as he started crying hard. I ended up rubbing circles on his back while whispering nice things to him.

I just ended up talking about the past with him. We both started laughing about the stupid things we did back then with are old team and I just smile.

When he finally stop crying and pull away from me, my heart drop. He seem to be nothing but skin and bones. He does have some meat and muscle on him but there wasn't a lot. He look weak which is weird to even think as the last times I saw him he was confident.

He smell like tears, sweat, and iron. I fear that he might have even started hurting himself. I pull his mask away and saw his once bright blue eyes are now dull and lost its spirit. His eyes were red due to him crying a lot and he had huge bag under his eyes.

Kidflash: Oh robin

I rip some of his tears away as he lean into my touch.

Kidflash: How about I go get us something to eat?

Robin: no please stay

When he said that my heart just broke. His voice sound so broken and shatter.

Kidflash: I promise I will be fast and I will even get you your favorite meal and ice-cream.

Robin: *shakes his head*

He just hug me and wouldn't let go. Now I know something is really wrong like I know something was wrong but now I want to know what the other titans did and maybe even kill them for it.

Kidflash: Ok ok I will stay for now. How about you get some rest?

Robin: Will you stay right next to me?

Kidflash: Yes of course I will.

We both lay down on robin bed. He had a hold on my arm and it seem that he won't let go. I knew he won't fall asleep unless I do something so I pull him close to me as I use one hand to started rubbing circle on his back. The other was hold tightly by robin. I even started singing him a lullaby in hopes that it will help make him fall asleep faster which it did.

After he fell asleep I lay my head on his hair before wondering-

Kidflash: What did the titans do to you?

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