Chapter 13: Fortune Teller

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Robin Pov:

I started looking around for things I can do as everyone else was having there own fun.

While looking around I saw a fortune teller and decided to go check them out.

I enter there tent and saw a glowing ball as well as cards on the table as if they were waiting for someone to enter.

Then a woman appear behind the currents. She look like a normal fortune teller but all over her roles were stars and all. She had black hair and it seem she only has one eye as the other one is cover.

All Seeing Eye: Hello There Robin

Robin: How do you know my name?

All Seeing Eye: I know and see all. Would you like me to tell you your future?

Robin: Please do I am what you call confuse

All Seeing Eye: I can see that now lets get started.

With that she made me grab cards and place them down right in front of me. She then place her hands on the crystal ball before closing her eyes or should I say eye.

All Seeing Eye: I see I see you young man went threw a lot. I can see that your a fighter looking for love and a protector of all. You have a very kind heart and would always put others before you.

Robin: Well I love helping others and stopping crime.

All Seeing Eye: I can see that.

She then started flipping all but three cards right in front of me.

All Seeing Eye: I see I see oh deer.

Robin: What? What?

All Seeing Eye: It seem that your troubles just started. Would you please flip the first card on your left please.

I did what she ask and see look at it with worry.

All Seeing Eye: It seem that you and your team are all on a vacation right now. Something bad will happen which will lead you horrified and crush.

Robin: Is there a way to avoid that happening?

All Seeing Eye: Yes you see we have a hunted house here in the carnival and only those who are brave and strong can enter. Its a place where you face your fears and get out of there stronger. I want you to avoid that area. This way that horrible thing won't happen.

Robin: Ok seem easy enough

All Seeing Eye: I want you to flip the next card please.

I did what she said and her worry look disappeared and she gave me a warm smile.

All Seeing Eye: It see that love is in your future.

Robin: Really? Is it Starfire?

All Seeing Eye: No it is not but you are very close with them. You may denied it at first but you two are made for each other. They will always be by your side when you need them most and will be there always to protect you like you would do for them.

Robin: I wonder who that is then.

Robin Mind: Maybe its Kidflash but I shouldn't get my hopes up.

All Seeing Eye: Can you flip over the last card

I did what she said and she gave me both a happy and upset look like she doesn't know how to feel about this one.

All Seeing Eye: It seem that something is going to happen which will make you leave your team behind.

Robin: Is there a way to avoid it?

All Seeing Eye: No there is no way to avoid it but there is a way to make it faster. As long as you avoid the hunted house then you should be alright for a while now let me see the connections.

She then place her cards right next mine before flipping them over.

All Seeing Eye: It seem that if you don't avoid the hunted house something will happen to the point that you will leave the team for good. Your lover will also be the one to find you and be by your side no matter what. They will make sure the others don't bug you and would even go so far to attack and call them enemies.

Robin: Is there a second half?

All Seeing Eye: Yes there is. You see if you do avoid the hunted house, in your future it seem that you have enough of your team and decided to leave them with your lover by your side. No matter what path you take sooner or later you will be leaving your titan team and will be going on a path of your own.

Robin: Will I be happy?

All Seeing Eye: Yes you will and it seem in both futures, you will meet your teammates again in better terms. You will also get married and even adopted some kids of your own

Robin: adopted?

All Seeing Eye: Yes adopted. You will also still be fighting crime and the older you get the more of your family seem to grow. Your future may start out dark and there might be times that you want to give up but don't and keep walking forward

Robin: Ok thank you All Seeing Eye

All Seeing Eye: Oh one more thing there is a claw machine near here that I want you to go check out. There might be something you would want to win

Robin: Alright I will go check it out then. Thank you for reading my future.

All Seeing Eye: No Problem and Robin do please be careful

Robin: I will

With that I left and headed to the claw machine.

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