Chapter 7: Get Out

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No One Pov:

Kidflash and Robin ended up playing video games off of Robin computer. It did take a while to set up but they got it working in the end.

While they were playing there game though beastboy decided to go to the kitchen.

Beastboy: Man I am so hungry for some snacks.

Beastboy walk up to the refrigerator and open it to see there wasn't much in it.

Beastboy: Man we need to do some shopping. Who turn was it anyways?

That is when Beastboy stomach growl.

Beastboy: Man I am so hungry there got to be some food around here somewhere

That is when Beastboy look all over the place. He even turn himself into a dog because he couldn't find anything.

He started sniffing around and soon was in front of Robin door.

Beastboy Mind: It seem that robin has snack. Should I go in? I mean he did attack me last time I went in his room.

*Beastboy Stomach Growl*

Beastboy Mind: I mean I bet he calm down now and he wouldn't mind me taking some of his snacks.

Beastboy turn into a small bug and crawl under the door. He he turn back to normal and saw an unusual sight.

He saw Robin and kidflash playing video games on Robin computer.

Kidflash: Hey your cheating

Robin: No I'm not it call get good

Beastboy then turn his head to see a heavenly sight. He saw piles of snacks as well as a mimi refrigerator and freezer. Beastboy can imagine the snacks and foods hidden inside.

Robin: Haha I won again

Kidflash: We haven't play this game in years. How are you still good at it?

Robin: I don't know maybe your just bad.

Beastboy: Hey guys it seem that robin had finally calm down and relax. Mind if I join you guys?

With that beastboy grab a bag of chips before walking over. Kidflash look at Robin and he could tell robin is getting upset by just looking at beastboy.

Kidflash Pov:

Kidflash: I don't think that a good idea-

That is when Robin got up and grab his staff. When beastboy saw the staff out he back up a little bit.

Beastboy: Robin dude calm down I just ask you a question is all.

Robin: Get out before I kill you

That is when Robin ran up to try and attack him but I grab him before yelling at beastboy to leave.

Without saying anything else, he ran out of the room with the bag of chips with him.

When beastboy left, I felt Robin body relax in my arms.

Kidflash: Robin you need to calm down

Robin: *Deep Breath* I am calm.

I then pull my arms away from him before looking at his eyes.

Kidflash: Robin do you mind telling me what happen?

Robin: * sigh* its stupid and I should be over it by now but I'm not

Kidflash: Hey its not stupid if its bugging you this much

Robin: .......

Kidflash: You don't have to tell me now its ok but I want to know what happen

Robin: It's really stupid but I will tell you

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