Chapter 17: Love Is All (Final)

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Kidflash Pov:

I ran and ran until I saw something in the sand. When I got closer, I saw it was Robin.

Kidlfash: ROBIN!?

Robin: Ki-Ki-Kidflash?

That is when Robin past out. Robin on no Robin come on buddy you need to wake up.

I look around for anything to help but that is when I saw a robin plush, I pick it up and I saw a little note poking out of the plush pocket.

I grab it and saw it was suppose to be a gift for me.

Kidflash: Oh Robin.

I look at him and saw he was holding a plush that looks like me.

Kidflash: What am I doing? Snap out of it Robin needs you.

I then pick up robin and ran to the closest hospital. They took him and I was force to wait in the waiting room.

I just look down at the robin plush I had and just hug it.

Kidflash Mind: Robin I promise when you wake up I will get you away from the titans. They don't deserve you and I will make sure you are happy.

Doctor: Kidflash?

Kidflash: That me. How is robin?

Doctor: ah your friend is stable but I have some bad news. Your friend went into a coma and we are not sure when he is going to wake up

Kidflash: no no no this can't be happening please tell me you are joking

Doctor: I'm sorry but I am not. You can go see him if you want?

I ended yes and ran to his room. I saw Robin hook up to some machines and his arms were all rap up in bandage.

I generally grab his hand as I feel tears going down my face.

Kidflash: Oh robin I am so sorry I didn't get to you sooner. I promise when you wake up, you will be living with me and you won't have to see the titans for a very long time.

I just stay there crying and talking to him until I was told to leave. I said my goodbye to him before leaving the hospital.

No One Pov:

It been a month now senses Robin was put into a coma. Kidflash ended up moving all of robin things out and into his own house.

The Titans were also told that they would need a new leader or one of them can be the leader because Robin isn't going to come back for a long while.

Robin family would visit him from time to time but of course Batman is a busy man so he couldn't be there all the time and same goes with red robin.

Kidflash would visit him almost every single day but sometimes it hard when you have a mission to do but he always find time.

*Time Skip*

Kidflash: Its been a year robin. when are you going to wake up? The others are starting to give up but not me. I will never give you up.

Kidflash Pov:

I felt tears coming from my eyes as I spoke to him. It true that the others are starting to give up on him but I just can't. I love him way to much.

*Another Time Skip*

Its been about a full three year now and Robin still haven't woken up. People have gave up on him other than batman and myself.

Kidflash: Robin please wake up. I don't know how long I can wait without my heart breaking. I love you and I don't want you to leave me.

I then kiss him on the lips before leaving. That is when I heard robin flat line. I yelled for the doctors and they push me out of the room as they try to bring Robin back.

I call Batman and he came over with red robin. They ask what happen and I told them I don't know.

I walked back and forth until the doctors left and they told us he is awake.

Batman and Red robin went inside first. After like an hour and half I was told to go into the room.

Kidflash: Robin?

Robin: Hey kidflash?

Kidflash: ROBIN!?

I then ran to him and pull him into a hug. We were both crying but I don't care.

Robin: I heard you

Kidflash: What

Robin: I heard what you said. I heard everything and I want you to know is that I love you too

He then pull me into a kiss. I kiss back and it was amazing.

In the end Robin was let go of the hospital after he was fully stable. He started living with me and Batman would visit from time to time. The Titans did finally apologize to Robin but he said that he won't be coming back to that team until he is ready.

As for me and him we are living amazing together. We went to some date and we are really hitting it off. I may even want to marry him in the future. Life is good and I couldn't help but smile as Robin and I finally get are happy ending together.

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