Chapter 10: Vacation

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No One Pov:

Its been about a few months sense kidflash left. Things are pretty much back to normal for the titans too.

Robin would text or talk to kidflash with every chance they can get. To bad that kidflash is on a mission right now or else Robin would be talking to him right now.

*Crime Alert*

Robin: Crime Alert it seems the hive is at it again.

Cryborg: Dude this is like the third time this week with the hive.

Beastboy: Ya bro can we let the police handle it

Robin: No now Titans GO

With that all of the titans were at the seen and had started fighting the hive.

After fighting them, the titans had headed back to the tower and stated doing there own thing again when Cyborg gotten a great idea.

Cyborg: Hey guys why don't we take a break and go on a small vacation

Raven: I'm down

Starfire: So am I

Beastboy: I will bring the snacks

Robin: Where will we be going cyborg?

Cyborg: Well I heard about this amazing hotel place that is right next to an amusement park. We can relax there for a few days and just head back home.

Robin: That sound a great place to relax. When are we going?

Cyborg: Well will be leaving here in a few days.

Robin: Alright titans you heard him lets all get ready for are vacation trip but don't over pack like last time.

Robin Pov:

* Time Skip*

We all got ready to go one this trip before hoping into the car as we were off.

It took sometime and us going threw a desert but we made it to the resort. The hotel was amazing, they had a pool and everything.

We heard the amusement park will be open tomorrow around midnight and we can't wait.

I then texted kidflash:

Robin: Kidflash you there?

Kidflash: Yes I'm here birdy. You need something?

Robin: No not really I just want to tell you that I am on a vacation with the titans right now

Kidflash: That great news birdy. I mean you did need some time for yourself and this is the perfect opportunity for you to relax and not worry about anything else.

Robin: I know but I was wondering if you want to join us.

Kidflash: I wish I can but I'm still on that mission that my uncle put me on.

Robin: Aww ok but hey if you get done with your mission early then maybe you can drop by and say hi.

Kidflash: I might do that. So what are your plans?

Robin: Well there this amusement park that going to be opening around midnight tomorrow.

Kidflash: Lucky ☹️

Robin: Well I better head to bed as its getting late and I need to get some sleep after that long car ride.

Kidflash: Aww oh alright goodnight birdy ♥️

When he send that heart I felt my heart melt a little bit. I then headed straight to bed.

No One Pov:


Kidflash: Why did I send that heart. Gosh stupid stupid.

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