Chapter 12: Hours Before The Carnival

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Robin Pov:

I went down stares by elevator to see everyone already there eating.

Raven: Look who finally decided to show up

I then took a seat next to Raven and Starfire but not before grabbing some of my own food.

Beastboy: What took you so long man? Your normally one of the few people up first

Robin: S-sorry I was doing something

I then place my hand into my pockets and grab my phone before pulling it out again. I didn't see any new messages from Kidflash which means he most likely on a mission.

Cyborg: So who you texting?

Robin: Wait what? Umm no one?

Cyborg look at me with the eyes knowing that I am lying

Cyborg: We saw you take your phone out and smile meaning someone text you or you text someone so who is it?

Robin: Like I said no one just mind your own business.

Beastboy: Oh I know maybe its girl.

Cyborg & Beastboy: *laughs*

Cyborg: Ya right beasty I doubt any girl would be texting robin at all

I started eating my breakfast as I zone out. I really didn't want to hear the others talking. I look at raven and she was just reading her book while the other three were properly talking about plans and all.

Robin Mind: I wonder what Kidflash is doing now?


Robin: huh

Cyborg: Dude we been calling your name

Rovin: Oh right umm sorry I was thinking about something

Beastboy: If your worry about the city and all you shouldn't after all this is are vacation bro

Cyborg: Ya sit back and relax. Let all your worries wash away.

Starfire: So are we going to the carnival?

Cyborg: Of course we are I mean come on.

After I was done eating, I left the table as the rest of them just kept talking about the plans they have. My plan is to stay by the pool for a little bit and sun bathe maybe even jump in and have fun a little bit.

I found a spot and ended up laying there after I put on some sunscreen. I didn't want to get sun burn as those hurt a lot.

I must of fell asleep because the next time I woke up was when a bucket of water was thrown all over me.

I got up as I heard the other laugh and left to go and watch some movies in my room until the carnival started.

*Time Skip*

It hit midnight, the Titans and I were at the carnival now and man it was beautiful. It was a magical carnival and they said that there open until 6:00am. Everyone ran off to do there own thing as I decided to find something that would make me smile.

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