Chapter 16: Walking Home

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No One Pov:

After what happen the titans took Robin back to there hotel room. Raven was able to find the plushies he drop at the haunted house and gave them to him before leaving.

*Next Day*

When the next day roll around Robin didn't come down to get his breakfast.

The others were kind of worry so they went up to see robin crying while holding the kidflash plush.

It was kind of like that every single day until it was time for them to go home.

*Time Skip*

Robin: *crying*

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Raven: Robin?

Robin: * crying* What?

Starfire: Its time to go friend robin

Robin: *still crying* Give *sniff* me a second

With that all of the titans waiting for robin at the car. When he finally came out of the Hotel, he put his bags in the trunk and got into the front seat before they drive off.

While driving off though, Robin kept on crying. I it got to the point that everyone was trying there best to cover there ears.

Beastboy: Come on Robin just shut up. It was just a stupid haunted house

Starfire: Yes friend Robin you are the killing of the ears

Robin tried to cover her mouth to muffle the sound but of course he still kept on crying. It got to the point that Cyborg snap and stop the car.

Cyborg: If you don't shut up I am going to kick you out of the car.

Robin: *crying* Wha?

Cyborg: That it

Cyborg then kick Robin out of the car before driving off. It also didn't help that Cyborg pretty much kick him out while they were traveling threw the desert area.

Robin Pov:

Cyborg: We can't handle your crying Robin so why don't you just walk home

With that they took off. I could hear some of them yelling at laughing but that it.

I slowly got up and look around. There was nothing for miles. All I had was my phone which had no service and the two plushies I was holding before Cyborg kick me out of the car.

With tears in my eyes I decided to walk home or at least try to walk home but it was getting hot and I knew if I don't hurry the heat will get worse.

Kidflash Pov:

We were able to finish the mission finally and I got ready to go and meet robin. I knew he was going to comeback home ether today or tomorrow so I am just going to go head there to see if they left the hotel area.

I got ready and said goodbye to my uncle before leaving. While running there I saw the titan vehicle. I went to say hi.

Kidflash: Hi guys

Cyborg: Oh hi kidflash. What you doing?

Kidflash: Just pasting by and I saw your vehicle. I wanted to say hi.

Beastboy: Well its good to see you man.

Kidflash: Hey where's robin?

Starfire: Robin is walking home

Kidflash: He is?

Raven: Yes and no. Yes he is walking home but that is because he was kick out of the car. He couldn't stop crying about the haunted house we made him go threw.

Kidflash: You guys did what?

Beastboy: I'm sure he fine

Kidflash: I have to go

With that the titans said bye as I bolted out of there and went to the direction they came from.

Robin Pov:

I don't know how long I was walking but I ended up collapsing onto the sand. I was holding kidflash plush as my robin plush fell a few feet in front of me when I fell.

I couldn't keep my eyes open and soon enough I stared blacking out. Before I black out though I saw a flash of yellow and red.

Kidflash: ROBIN!?

Robin: Ki-Ki-Kidflash?

Before everything went dark.

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