Chapter 14: Getting A Bite To Eat

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Robin Pov:

After leaving the Fortune teller tent, I headed to a claw machine which had plushies of heroes inside. Some of these heroes were from the old days when I was still part of the young Justice league. I was kind of shock but when I saw a kidflash plush next to a robin plush I decided to try and get both.

I was able to get the Robin plush in about two tries while the kidflash plush took more tries then it should of. In the end I got both of them and I couldn't help but smile.

I started walking around and saw a small food area where I grab some tasty treats. What I didn't expect was for the others to come behind me and try to scare me.

Starfire: Hey Robin

I jump when I heard her voice and let out a small squeak. Everyone laugh before looking at what I had.

Beastboy: Oooh food

That is when Beastboy and Cyborg took my food and ate it. At least I was able to eat half of it so I do have something in my stomach.

I then pull the two plushies I won to me before smiling.

Starfire: Oooh Where did you get those I want one.

Robin: I got them from a claw machine

Starfire: You should show me this claw of the machine.

With that I took them to the claw machine and saw that if was now missing. This made me confused.

Robin: Well it was right here but I don't know where it went. But don't worry I did see another claw machine on my way to the food court.

I then took her to another claw machine and she won a cute cat fairy plush on her first try.

Starfire then turn to me and smile which made me smile back but I then turn away and look at my two plushies.

Raven: I just notice that the plushies you have kind of look like you and kidflash .

Cyborg: Now looking at it, ya they kind of do

Robin: Well there plushies that I won and I totally didn't just go after these two plushies because I want to give Kidflash one

Beastboy: Sure

While everyone else started talking about what they have done so far, I just look at the plushies in my hand wondering if Kidflash would like to have the Robin one.

Starfire: Friends we all should do something together as a team

Cyborg: Sure I'm down

Beastboy: But what should we do? I mean there aren't a lot of games we can play together

Raven: Well I heard there is a haunted house here maybe we should all do it together.

Robin Mind: Oh no

Robin: Maybe we should do something else together and not the haunted house

Starfire: Friend Robin why?

Robin: It's because I have a bad feeling about it

Cyborg: Oh maybe your just scared

Robin: No I'm not

Beastboy: Oh come on don't be a big baby about this after all we are all going through together.

Robin: Sorry guys but cut me out

Cyborg: Your going rather you like it or not Robin. If your so scared then you should stick by one of us

Starfire: Yes Friend Robin if you are scared one of us can be there to protect you

Robin: I'm sorry but-

Cyborg: But nothing your going

With that the team pull me with them as we all heard to the haunted house that the fortune teller warn me about.

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