Chapter 9: Nightmare & Goodbye For Now

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No One Pov:

After Kidflash left to go find Raven after putting Robin to bed, Robin started moving around.

At first it seem like nothing but he started trashing and moving around to much. He was having another nightmare again but this time it seem worse than the others.

Just like almost all his nightmare it started off him as a kid watching his parents fall and died right in front of him.

It this skip off to him being in the bat cave with his bat family. There telling him the most hurtful things like its his fault that is parents are dead or he is useless and that Batman regrets adopting him.

Robin then started running and when he turn his head back, he saw his old team dead on the floor. Kidflash being on of them.

He ran to kidflash body crying as he started blaming himself for not saving him and that its his fault that he is dead.

He ended up waking up from the nightmare by falling off the bed.

Robin curl into a ball and started crying. He was also shaking like crazy.

That is when his door open. He look up to see kidflash there. In seconds Robin was in kidflash arms.

Kidflash: Your ok robin your ok. Your safe.

It took some time but kidflash was able to calm down Robin.

Kidflash: You want to tell me what happen and why you are on the floor?

Robin: Just another stupid Nightmare

Kidflash: Do you want to talk about it?

Robin: No not really. Where were you anyways?

Kidflash: Well umm I talk to raven and she was able to fix these for you

That is when Kidflash show Robin the fix rings, photos, and baby blanket.

Robin: She fix them. She really fix them.

Kidflash: That she did

Robin: Thank you Wally

Kidflash: You shouldn't be thanking me. You should be thanking Raven.

*Time Skip*

Its been a week sense Raven fix Robin stuff. Robin was able to thank her and things are slowly going back to normal.

Even though Robin may not act like it now, deep down he still doesn't forgive Beastboy, Cyborg, and Starfire.

Robin: Do you have to go? I mean you can become a titan so you don't have to leave

Kidflash: Sorry Robin but you know why I can't stay.

Robin: *Nods*

Kidflash: Hey I'm always one call away. If you need me just give me a call and I will be there in a flash

Robin: Thank you Kidflash for everything

Kidflash: No problem. I will see you later

With that Kidflash left. Robin put his hand over his heart before walking back inside the tower.

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