Chapter 8: Fixing It

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Kidflash Pov:

Kidflash: Robin it can't be that stupid. I mean I have never seen you act like this and we use to be a team.

Robin: *sigh* you see almost a month ago it was April fools and almost everyone in the titan tower loves pranking each other. Raven even pranks from time to time but she hate doing it on April fools.

Kidflash: Ok? Wait is this because of a prank?

Robin: Its more than that. On April fools we sometimes get carry away.

Kidflash: Ok, So what did they do?

Robin: You see I had this box hidden in my room. I would hide it in my closet and it hold the last memories of my parents well my real parents before they died.

When Robin said that it kind click. They must of did something to that box or the items on it.

Kidflash: What did they do?

Robin: they *sniff* they just look

That is when he pointed to his desk area. When I look down I was shock to see a destroy homemade blanket, rip up photos, and ash on the table.

I was shock at first but then felt angry. They took some of the last few things he had of his parents and destroyed it.

Robin: They *tears appearing under his eyes* they rip up my photos, destroy the last thing my mom made me, and turn my parents rings into ash *cries*

I was horrified. I ran to robin side and pull him into a hug. I started comforting him as he cries into my shoulder.

Robin: See I *sniff* told you its stupid

Kidflash: its not stupid robin. They took one of the few things you had left of your parents away from you and laugh it off as some type of joke. You have every right to hate and attack them. If this happen to me I don't know what I would do.

Robin: *sniff*

Kidflash: How about this, I can see if raven can help fix these things up for you if you want?

Robin: *nods*

After a while of reassuring robin that what he is feeling is normal and that he has nothing to be a shame about, he fell asleep in my arms.

I lay him in bed and tuck him in before grabbing the stuff off of robin desk and went to look for Raven. I first look for her room and soon enough I found her trying to mediate.

Kidflash: Raven I need your help

Raven: What do you need my help with?

I place the items in front of me.

Kidflash: Can you fix these for me?

Raven: I can but why would I do that?

Kidflash: This is the reason why Robin is acting out. These items were very special to him and the others destroyed them as if it was some sort of joke. Can you please fix them?

Raven: I can fix them for you but you have to do something for me.

Kidflash: Please anything.

Raven: there this really amazing dish at France that I want to try. You will have to run there and get it for me.

Kidflash: Alright be back in a flash.

With that I ran off to get Raven food. When I return, I saw that she already fix the photos, rings, and baby blanket.

Kidflash: Here you go and thank you for doing this raven.

Raven: Its no problem.

With that I headed back to Robin room, excited to show him that Raven was able to fix them with her magic.

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