Chapter 6: Waking Up

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No One Pov:

Its been late when Kidflash started feeling movement next to him. He open his eyes to realize that he wasn't in his room but in the tower of the titans. He look down to see Robin thrashing in his arms as he cries.

Kidflash Pov:

Kidflash Mind: Is he having a nightmare?

I wonder what I can do when I heard one of the most heart breaking cries from him. I pull him close to my chest as I rub circles on his back and whisper nice things in his ears. After a while he ended up calming down in my arms.

Kidflash Mind: Is this why you hadn't gotten much sleep?

I look down at Robin for a while before looking at the time. It was around 2 am. Thinking on what I should do next I decide to try and cheer robin up in the morning.

*Time Skip*

I woke up before Robin. I look at him and smile. I then got up and left the bed. I ender up replacing myself with a pillow.

Kidflash Mind: Ok think what does Dick love to do? Oh I know.

I ended up running out and return to the room with bags and bags in my hands. I place a mini fridge and freezer in his room. I then place all of are favorite foods in on area. I then pull out someone movies and video games that we use to live playing and watching.

Kidflash Mind: I hope this help cheer him up. Maybe he will even tell me what's wrong.

Robin Pov:

I ended up waking up from one of the most amazing good night sleeps I had in a while.

I haven't been getting much sleep due to nightmares about my past but the last dream was weird.

It started off like a nightmare where I saw my parents died right in front of me. I then started running for dear life as everyone and everything started chasing me.

I then heard a familiar voice calling out to me and telling me that I'm ok. I even felt a warmth around my body like someone was hugging me and then nothing.

I got up from my bed and look around to see kidflash smiling at me.

Kidflash: Hey robin how was your night?

Robin: *Yawn* better I finally got some decent sleep

Kidflash: Look I know you don't want to talk to me about what happen so I got some things to cheer you up.

He then move to the side and I saw all of my favorite snacks and he even got a mimi fridge and freezer.

Kidflash: I even got some old video games that we love to play and some movies we can watch.

I just burst into tears before getting up and giving Kidflash a hug. We ended up playing some of the video games he got me on the computer.

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