Chapter 4: Visit

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No One Pov:

Its been at least two weeks after April fools day. Its also been a few days sense anyone have try to tall to Robin. Everyone pretty much gave up on their leader as they don't know what to do.

Raven who did try more than one try knew it was something to do with one of the other pranks and that the prank is related to what on his desk.

Robin doesn't seem to care if raven is in his room but if she get close to the desk, he would start attacking and yelling at her.

Everyone in the titan tower thought it was hopeless.

Cyborg: At this rate we might loose Robin for good

Beastboy: Would that be a bad thing or a good thing?

Raven: A Bad thing

Starfire: I guess we need a new leader then

Cyborg: Well then I will be the team new leader

Beastboy: No I want to be the new leader

Starfire: I want to be leader too.

All three of them started fighting as Raven was trying to read her book. She got so upset to the point she yelled at everyone to stop.

Raven: Can all of you shut up. We are not getting a new leader it just robin needs time. I'm sure he will come out of his room sooner or later.

That is when everyone heard a ding from the elevator and turn to see who had enter the tower.

Kidflash Pov:

I was minding my own business stopping some crime when I notice I was by the titan tower.

Kidflash: I wonder what the titans are doing? I haven't seen them in a while.

I decided to go visit them to check out what they are doing. It was also a reason to see robin because I do love to annoy him. I still can't believe we use to be close but now these days it's like we are rivals or something.

I enter the tower to be great with everyone but robin.

Kidflash: Hey guys

Everyone: Kidflash!?

Cyborg: What are you doing here?

Starfire: Maybe he can be are new leader

Beastboy: I'm down

Kidflash Mind: Wait new leader?

Raven: What are you doing here kidflash?

Kidflash: I was in the neighborhood and decided to visit some of my friends is all. Also I start to notice that you haven't been stopping crime like you use to.

Beastboy: Ugh you can blame are useless leader Robin for that

Kidflash: Robin?

Starfire: Yes but now sense you are here can you become are new leader friend Kidflash

Kidflash: I'm sorry but where is robin?

Cyborg: He lock up in his room for no good reason and would attack or yelled at us if we are near his door.

Raven: There is a very good reason why he is acting that way and you know it. You took an April fools prank way too far.

Kidflash: Too far? what did you do?

I started to get worry. From what they told me they must of did something horrible for him to act like this

Starfire: I am not sure we did the lot of pranks on the April fools day

Beastboy: Ya he just being a big baby over it but I'm sure he will get over it soon

Starfire: So will you be are new leader the kid of the flash?

Kidflash: Umm

I don't even know what to say.

Kidflash: Umm Raven can you tell me which room Robin is in. Maybe I can talk to him

Beastboy: Good luck with that. The guy is a maniac right now

Raven ended up telling me which room robin was in and I ran to the room.

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