Chapter 3: Raven Turn

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No One Pov:

Its been a few days sense the titans have seen Robin come out of his room. He only come out at night to use the bathroom and get some food.

It also seems that he doesn't take a lot of it. He only take what he needs to survive and that it.

The others grew worry about Robin and had started begging Raven to go check on him.

Raven: Why do you want me to go check on him?

Beastboy: Because it's your turn Mama

Cyborg: Ya we all check on him and he would only yelled or attack us. Maybe it will be different if you check on him.

Raven: And why would I do that? After all this is your fault.

Starfire: What do you mean friend Raven?

Raven: I mean he started acting like this after April fools. Whatever prank you guys did made him act like this so its your fault.

Beastboy: Oh come on Raven Please we all tried and I really don't want to be hit in the head or thrown out of the tower again.

Raven: No. Its your guys fault, you fix it. I am not always going to be here fixing all of your problems so my answer is no.

More days past and the other titans had started pleading for her to go and check on Robin. She of course said no and that they have to fix there own mistake.

They kept bugging to the point that she agree to go check on him.

Raven: Fine I will go check on him but after that will you guys leave me alone.

Beastboy, Cyborg, Starfire: *Nodded*

Raven: *Sigh*

Raven then teleported into Robin room.

Raven: Robin we need to-

That is when Robin hit her hard on the head making her fall onto the floor.

Raven: Ow Robin what in my father name was that for?

Robin: Oh sorry Raven thought you were the others

With that he walk to his bed and laid down. When Raven got a closer look at him, she couldn't believe her eyes. The once string and brave leader they had is now gone.

Robin look tired I mean depress tired. He had huge bag under his eyes and he didn't smell right. He smell like sweat, tears, and iron. You can also see Robin ribs. Raven wonders what the others did to make Robin and look this way.

Raven: Robin you need to get up and start acting like the leader you always were.

Robin: ......

Raven: *sigh*

Raven then look around Robin room hoping to find something to help but she couldn't find anything. She turn look at Robin desk and was surprise to see trash on it.

Raven walk up to the desk, ready to clean it when Robin got up from the bed and yelled at her.


Raven: What?

Raven turn to Robin to see an angry look on his face. He had his staff in his hand ready to attack her.

Raven: Robin I-

Robin: Get out before I make you

The look Robin gave Raven was something she never seen before. It kind of worry and scared her all at the same time.

With a sigh Raven left before returning to the touch

Cyborg: So how did it go?

Raven: What do you think?

Starfire: I mean you last longer than the rest of us friend Raven


Raven didn't say anything else that night and headed to her room so she can meditate.

Beastboy: What was all that about?

Cyborg: I am not sure but hey do you guys want to go out and get some pizza?

Starfire & Beastboy: Yes

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