Chapter 11: Feelings

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Kidflash Pov:

I was pacing back and forth thinking about somethings when my uncle decided to come check on me.

Flash: You ready?

Kidflash: As ready as I can *sigh*

Flash: Something wrong?

Kidflash: No

Flash: Really now? Wally I can tell by the look on your face that something wrong.

Kidflash: *sigh* Well how can you tell if you like someone?

Flash: Oh so that is bugging well you start feeling really happy around them and there is this feeling in your stomach like you have butterflies flying around. Then there is the fact that your heart would start racing around them. I'm sorry I'm not really good at this type of stuff

Kidflash Mind: So it is true I am in love with him. How did this happen? I mean I haven't seen him in like forever and then this happens like come on.

Flash: Why are you asking me this? Do you like a girl?

Kidflash: What!?

I felt my face go red a little but soon if faded quickly.

Kidflash: I don't- I mean kind of. I been having these weird feelings around them and I really care for them. I mean a few months ago something really bad happen and I was by there side for them. I just don't know. I haven't seem them in forever and then the first time I see them and help them out these feeling just appear.

Flash: It sound like your in love.

Kidflash Mind: Did I really fall in love with Robin!? Oh no I really did didn't I? Batman is going to kill me if he finds out.

Flash: So who the lucky lady?

Kidflash: What no. I'm not going to tell you

Flash: Oh come on I'm your uncle Wally and your guardian. I should know these things about you and besides I might be able to help you

Kidflash: The faster this mission is done the faster I can go see them so can we have a move on please

With that I left.

Robin Pov:

When I woke up the next day I open my phone to see if Wally really send a heart to me and he really did.

I couldn't help but smile and be all giggly but I soon stop in my tracks.

Robin Mind: Don't tell me I just feel in love with my best friend. Wait are we still best friends? I mean we haven't been on good terms for while until that Incident happen but still.

I couldn't help but think about this more. I mean this doesn't just happen. I haven't seen him in like years and yet I have this weird feeling whenever I am around him.

Robin Mind: But don't I like Starfire? I mean she was kind of the girl of my dreams but after that all happen I just my feeling kind of change. But did I really well in love with Wally?

I couldn't help but denied it. I can't fall in love with my best friend. I should only like Starfire as she the girl for me.

That is a when I look down to see a text from kidflash

Kidflash: Have an amazing Vacation you deserve it ❤

I down at the text and just got so giggly from it.

Robin Mind: There is no way that I just fall for him I mean beast friends can show love to each other too.

I decided to text him as well.

Robin: Good Luck On Your Mission 😁

I smile as I send the text before going down stairs to get some breakfast.

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