Chapter 15: Haunted House

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Warning This Chapter Get Dark Fast

Robin Pov:

The team pull me to the haunted house where a lady stop us.

Woman: Woah Woah Woah where do you guys think your going

Cyborg: The haunted House. Why?

Woman: Because you all will have to sign something before going into that haunted house.

Raven: Why?

Woman: Because this isn't a normal haunted house. It makes you go threw your worse fears. It make you go threw the worse part in your life. It will make you feel broken to the point there is no return. We have people kill themselves after going threw the haunted house. We have people put threw therapy and mental hospital because of this haunted house.

Starfire: Alright we will sign

With that all of the Titans sign. I didn't want to sign but they force me to. They grab my hand and force the pen in it. They made me write my name.

After that they push me forward to the haunted house.

Beastboy: Robin go first

Robin: What why?

Cyborg: To make sure you don't run away now go.

With that they push me and force me to go threw. At first it didn't seem bad but when I turn, no one was behind me and the insurance was gone.

Robin Mind: no no no ok calm down I'm sure there just doing one of there pranks.

I started calling out for them but all I heard were whispers. I follow them and the next thing I knew I was a little kid again. I was in my old circus and saw my family alive. I scram out for them to stop the performance but I couldn't move.

I watch as my family died and I couldn't move at all. After they died I head whisper of there voices telling me that it was my fault that they died and that I should of never been born.


I ten open my eyes to see I was right in front of Batman.

Batman: You Failed

Robin: What?

Batman: I wish I never adopted you. You should of died on the same day your parents did. I should of left you to die. Your the worse Robin ever.

He then push me and I fell into a void. I then hit the ground to see Jason the second Robin dead right in front of me.

Batman look at me before saying it was my fault he died and that if I never left him, Jason would be alive today. Then the third robin show up and told me that I was never good enough and Batman slap me.

I was crying at this point and started running. I didn't know where I was going but when I stop, I saw everyone I knew died right in front of me. All I heard was there whispers saying that it was all my fault.

I scream and cry, begging for all of this to stop. Of course when I uncover my eyes, I saw kidflash right in front of me. He was bleeding out and disappearing.

Kidflash: Why Robin Why I thought you love me.

Robin: I do love you

Kidflash: Then why did you stab me?

Robin: Wha?

I look in my hand and saw a knife. I drop the knife and back up. I look at my arms and saw blood coming threw my gloves. When I remove it. I saw cuts all over my arm. They were bleeding

Robin Mind: No no this can't be happening to me.

I ended up closing my eyes and past out due to the pain I was feeling. When I came to I was out of the haunted house and everyone was laughing at me.

Robin: Wha?

Beatsboy: Haha we got you good. Still can't believe you got scared from a lame haunted house

I couldn't speak as I just got up and pull my legs close to me. I was shaking like crazy and my eyes had tears threatening to fall at any second.

Cyborg: We prank you dude. We never went into the haunted house.

Starfire: Yes friend robin it was all of a joke

Raven: It was kind of funny. Hahaha

I didn't look at them as I look at the ground.

Raven: Robin? You ok? It was just a lame haunted house.

I didn't speak as I look at the ground ready to cry at any second.

Beastboy: Come on Robin don't be a baby about it.

With that Beadtboy touch my shoulder and I let out a huge scream before crying. People were looking as my team try to comfort me but I didn't care as I cry and cry until I past out.

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