New School year

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Katelyn's POV

I woke up at 3am but I was still tired so I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't so I went down stairs to get a snack, I looked around the house to see no one was home. I got changed and went out for a run around the town when I came back in it was 6am so I just went for a shower. I got my hair and make-up done. I was about to leave the house when I got a call from my gf, but when I answered the phone it was silent.

At Ellie's

I knocked on the door to see Ellie, Simon and Abigail. "Hmm Ellie still has her long blonde hair with ginger high lights and dark ocean eyes, she looks the same as first year! and Abigail has medium blonde hair, with green/blue eyes while Simon has pink, blue and brown hair, with blue eyes" I thought to myself, I smiled a bit of the thought of them still being the same.

Ellie's POV

"haha Kate you still have the same medium brown hair with blonde highlights and black eyes" I said while laughed to her still acting like a child, like same old times.

At School in Reg

Katelyn's POV

me, Ellie and Simon where a bit late to registration but when we got in there was a girl there we never saw before and she was sitting in Ellie's seat. "why are you 3 late?" the teacher asked "sorry we got lost" Ellie said. "Your second years now come on!" the teacher yelled. me and Ellie went to our desk and we saw the new girl up close "so who are you and why are you sitting at my desk?" Ellie asked the new girl "oh um..." the new girl said. Ellie looked at her and sighed. "it's fine Ellie we can just sit behind her for now?" I said trying to calm down Ellie. "Fine..." Ellie said.

"hey why don't we join the basketball team?" Simon asked "Yeah sure!" I said "okay lets take a look" Ellie said not getting a say in the mater.

After school

At the Basketball club

Katelyn, Ellie, Abigail and Simon walked into the place where the basketball club is held we look around to see what its like. "are you 3 looking to join the club?" a teacher asked "Yeah we are" Ellie said "alright but you will have to wait till next mouth that going to everyone that wants to join" the teacher said "may I ask why" Abigail asked "ABI THAT'S RUDE TO ASK JUST LIKE THAT!" Ellie yelled "its no problem it's just cause we've got a Compassion this mouth" the teacher said "Oh I see" Katelyn said 

Those Lost eyes - book 2Where stories live. Discover now