shopping PT 2

2 0 0

Words 680

A week later
2nd of December

Katelyn and the brothers went back down to the shop to hopefully get some Christmas stuff.

"Do we have to do this?" Ray complained

"Well yeah kinda" Chester

"Come on we waited this long to do this" Katelyn said.

"We waited a week not even that like 6 days" Ray said.

"Come on now Ray don't be like that" Cody said.

"Shut up" Ray said with a bit of anger in his voice.

"Welp looks like rays going to act like at toddler today so we probably should probably do the shopping with him Holding his hand making sure he doesn't get lost" Cody said.

"Shut up" Ray said but Cody just went on and on, and those two then stared to argue.

Katelyn's POV

Me and Chester looked at each other then just walked of to the Frist shop since those 2 where now arguing.

"Where do yous Think your going" Ray said.

"To the shop" Chester said.

"With what money" Ray said again

"Yours" I said laughing. As I was waving his bank card.


Ray stared to chasing me trying to get his bank card back. While Cody and Chester where sitting on a bench outside of the shop.

I stopped running and Ray ran right into me.

"WHAO are you okay" he asked as he put his hand out to help me up.

I said nothing, looked at him then took his hand and got up.

Ray's POV

I ran into Katelyn when she stopped running for some odd reason and she fell over.

"WHAO are you okay" I asked as I put my hand out to help her up.

She said nothing, then looked at me. She then took my hand and got up. But I could tell something was up.

I looked around to see that Carly was there with some of her friends at the right and I also saw Marco walking from the front, then her parents from the left.

I saw Kate was shaking a bit so I took my jumper off and putted it on her.

"Hmm?" Kate said as she looked at me.

I'm guessing she understood what I was doing since she nodded her head.

I put the the hood up and put my arm around her and started walking back to Cody and Chester.

"What's going on here?" Cody asked.

I looked at him then looked over my shoulder a little bit.

Cody grabbed Kate's hand and pulled her closer to him. Tension started to build up and it was thick in the air

"I think We need to go to the shop now" Chester said. Trying to brake the tension.

"Yeah and someone tell this little shit to give me my card back now" Ray said.

"Oh right here" Katelyn said.

She handed me my bank card and we went to the shops.

After shopping
Katelyn's POV

Me and Cody got stuff for our surprise that will Be happening soon. (in the 2 chapters away) Ray and Chester got some presents for friends and family.

"Okay so dose everyone have what they need?" I asked

"I only got presents and some decorations" Ray said

"I got some snacks and drinks, and a few presents a bit of decorations" Cody said.

"I got everyone a present, but I'll get some more so it's not just 1 present everyone's getting from me" Chester said.

"Awww that's so sweet of you!" I said.

Everyone was looking very happy now until it started to rain.

I took Ray's jumper of and gave it back to him.

"What about you?" Ray's asked.

I smiled "I'll be fine but you only a t-shirt on" I said.

"Yeah a t-shirt you have crop-top" Ray said.

Cody took his jacket of and putted it on me.

"Here!" Cody said.

Cody took my hand and then we all headed home.

AN: sorry for not really knowing what to write about. 😅

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